首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Nutrio >Composi??o química e efeito hipocolesterolêmico do kefir de leite e do kefir de água em ratos Wistar

Composi??o química e efeito hipocolesterolêmico do kefir de leite e do kefir de água em ratos Wistar




Objective To compare the effects of fermented kefir on the nutritional, physiological, and biochemical parameters of rats. Methods Grains of milk kefir (whole and skimmed) and water kefir (brown sugar) were used. The chemical composition analysis was performed on substrates and fermented beverages. The rats were evaluated for weight gain, body mass index, as well as their food, water, kefir, and calorie intake. We also evaluated their energy efficiency coefficient, weight of organs, in addition to their serum, and hepatic biochemistry. Results Fermentation increased the acid content index owing to degradation of lactose and brown sugar. The animals consumed more kefir, reducing the intake of chow and water. Kefir did not alter body and organ weight, while improving the lipid profile. Conclusion Water kefir with brown sugar was more effective in improving the lipid profile.



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