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Intertekstualiteit en die Bose in Kroniek van Perdepoort (Anna M. Louw)

机译:互文性与《 Perdepoort编年史》中的邪恶(Anna M. Louw)



In Anna M. Louw's novel Kroniek van Perdepoort the primal conflict between good and evil is an important constituent element. Well-known authors in world literature have been fascinated by this problem, and it is an enriching experience to bring together allusions and to investigate points of contact with authors such as Feodor Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann. William Faulkner and Patrick White. In Kroniek van Perdepoort there is a meeting between Klaas Kamer and the devil. Similarities between this meeting and similar meetings in Dr Faustus (Thomas Mann) and The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky) are pointed out.Subsequently the portrayal of sin in Kroniek van Perdepoort is compared with Faulkner's novels The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!, in which a similar theme is represented.Patrick White is also an author of religious literature to whom Anna M. Louw is attracted by her own admission. His novels. The solid Mandala and Riders in the Chariot are studied, and similarities with Kroniek van Perdepoort indicated.
机译:在安娜·卢(Anna M. Louw)的小说《克鲁尼克·范·佩德普特》中,善与恶之间的原始冲突是重要的构成要素。这个问题着迷于世界文学的著名作家,这是一次丰富的经验,可以汇集典故并研究与费奥多·陀思妥耶夫斯基,托马斯·曼恩等作家的联系点。威廉·福克纳和帕特里克·怀特。在Kroniek van Perdepoort,Klaas Kamer和魔鬼会面。指出了这次会议与Faustus博士(Thomas Mann)和Karamazov兄弟(Dostoyevsky)的类似会议之间的相似之处,随后将Kroniek van Perdepoort中对罪的刻画与福克纳的小说《声音与愤怒》和《押沙龙与押沙龙,押沙龙!帕特里克·怀特(Patrick White)还是宗教文学的作家,安娜·M·卢(Anna M. Louw)被自己的录取所吸引。他的小说。研究了战车上的实心曼荼罗和骑士,并指出了与Kroniek van Perdepoort的相似之处。



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