
Book reviews




The African Diaspora: A History Through Culture, by Patrick Manning (reviewed by Joseph C. Miller) Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, by David Eltis & David Richardson (reviewed by Ted Maris-Wolf) Abolition: A History of Slavery and Antislavery, by Seymour Drescher (reviewed by Gregory E. O’Malley) Paths to Freedom: Manumission in the Atlantic World, edited by Rosemary Brana-Shute & Randy J. Sparks (reviewed by Matthew Mason) You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery, by Jeremy D. Popkin (reviewed by Philippe R. Girard) Fighting for Honor: The History of African Martial Arts in the Atlantic World, by T .J. Desch Obi (reviewed by Flávio Gomes & Antonio Liberac Cardoso Sim?es Pires) Working the Diaspora: The Impact of African Labor on the Anglo-American World, 1650-1850, by Frederick C. Knight (reviewed by Walter Hawthorne) The Akan Diaspora in the Americas, by Kwasi Konadu (reviewed by Ray Kea) Tradition and the Black Atlantic: Critical Theory in the African Diaspora, by Henry Louis Gates Jr. (reviewed by Deborah A. Thomas) From Africa to Jamaica: The Making of an Atlantic Slave Society, 1775-1807, by Audra A. Diptee (reviewed by D.A. Dunkley) Elections, Violence and the Democratic Process in Jamaica 1944-2007, by Amanda Sives (reviewed by Douglas Midgett) Caciques and Cemi Idols: The Web Spun by Taino Rulers between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, by José R. Oliver (reviewed by Brian D. Bates) The Latin American Identity and the African Diaspora: Ethnogenesis in Context, by Antonio Olliz Boyd (reviewed by Dawn F. Stinchcomb) Reconstructing Racial Identity and the African Past in the Dominican Republic, by Kimberly Eison Simmons (reviewed by Ginetta E.B. Candelario) Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora in the Wider Caribbean, edited by Philippe Zaca?r (reviewed by Catherine Beno?t) Duvalier’s Ghosts: Race, Diaspora, and U.S. Imperialism in Haitian Literatures, by Jana Evans Braziel (reviewed by J. Michael Dash) Mainland Passage: The Cultural Anomaly of Puerto Rico, by Ramón E. Soto-Crespo (reviewed by Guillermo B. Irizarry) Report on the Island and Diocese of Puerto Rico (1647), by Diego de Torres y Vargas (reviewed by David A. Badillo) Land Reform in Puerto Rico: Modernizing the Colonial State, 1941-1969, by Ismael García-Colón (reviewed by Ricardo Pérez) Land: Its Occupation, Management, Use and Conceptualization. The Case of the Akawaio and Arekuna of the Upper Mazaruni District, Guyana, by Audrey J. Butt Colson (reviewed by Christopher Carrico) Caribbean Religious History: An Introduction, by Ennis B. Edmonds & Michelle A . Gonzalez (reviewed by N. Samuel Murrell) The Cross and the Machete: Native Baptists of Jamaica – Identity, Ministry and Legacy, by Devon Dick (reviewed by John W. Pulis) Swimming the Christian Atlantic: Judeoconversos, Afroiberians and Amerindians in the Seventeenth Century, by Jonathan Schorsch (reviewed by Richard L. Kagan) Kosmos und Kommunikation: Weltkonzeptionen in der südamerikanischen Sprachfamilie der Cariben, by Ernst Halbmayer (reviewed by Eithne B. Carlin) That Infernal Little Cuban Republic: The United States and the Cuban Revolution, by Lars Schoultz (reviewed by Antoni Kapcia) Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba, by Ivor L. Miller (reviewed by Elizabeth Pérez) Guantánamo: A Working-Class History between Empire and Revolution, by Jana K. Lipman (reviewed by Barry Carr) Packaged Vacations: Tourism Development in the Spanish Caribbean, by Evan R. Ward (reviewed by Polly Pattullo) Afro-Greeks: Dialogues Between Anglophone Caribbean Literature and Classics in the Twentieth Century, by Emily Greenwood (reviewed by Gregson Davis) Caribbean Culture: Soundings on Kamau Brathwaite, edited by Annie Paul (reviewed by Paget Henry) Libertad en cadenas: Sacrificio, aporías y perdón en las letras cubanas, by Aída Beaupied (reviewed by Stephen Fay) The Trickster Comes West: Pan-African Influence in Early Black Diasporan Narratives, by Babacar M’baye (reviewed by Olabode Ibironke) Cheddi Jagan and the Politics of Power: British Guiana’s Struggle for Independence, by Colin A. Palmer (reviewed by Jay R. Mandle) A Language of Song: Journeys in the Musical World of the African Diaspora, by Samuel Charters (reviewed by Kenneth Bilby) Man Vibes: Masculinities in Jamaican Dancehall, by Donna P. Hope (reviewed by Eric Bindler)
机译:《非洲人散居:通过文化的历史》,帕特里克·曼宁(约瑟夫·C·米勒评论)跨大西洋奴隶贸易地图集,大卫·艾尔提斯和大卫·理查森(泰德·马里斯·沃尔夫评论)废除:奴隶制和反奴隶制的历史,由西摩·德雷舍(Seymour Drescher)(格雷戈里·E·奥马利(Gregory E. O'Malley)评论)自由之路:大西洋世界的可乘性,由罗斯玛丽·布拉纳·舒特(Rosemary Brana-Shute)和兰迪·J·斯帕克斯(Randy J. Sparks)编辑(马修·梅森(Matthew Mason)评论)《你全部自由:海地革命和杰里米·D·波普金(Jeremy D. Popkin)废除奴隶制(菲利普·R·吉拉德(Philippe R. Girard)评论)为荣誉而战:大西洋世界非洲武术史Desch Obi(由FlávioGomes和Antonio Liberac Cardoso Sim?es Pires审查)《散居侨民:非洲劳工对盎格鲁美洲世界的影响,1650-1850年》,Frederick C. Knight(由Walter Hawthorne审查)阿坎散居者在美洲,科瓦西·科纳杜(Kwasi Konadu)(雷·基亚(Ray Kea)评介)传统与黑大西洋:非洲散居者的批判理论,亨利·路易斯·盖茨(Henry Louis Gates Jr。)(德博拉·托马斯(Deborah A. Thomas)评介)从非洲到牙买加:大西洋的形成奴隶社会,1775-1807年,Audra A. Diptee(由DA Dunkley审查),牙买加的选举,暴力与民主进程,1944-2007年,Amanda Sives(Douglas Midgett审查),Caciques和Cemi Idols:Taino的Spun西班牙裔美国人和何塞·奥利弗(JoséR.Oliver)(布莱恩·D·贝茨(Brian D. Bates)评论)之间的统治者《拉丁美洲的身份和非洲侨民:背景下的民族发展》,安东尼奥·奥利兹·博伊德(Antonio Olliz Boyd)(Dawn F. Stinchcomb评论),重构了种族认同和多米尼加的非洲过去共和国,金伯利·艾森·西蒙斯(Ginetta E.B. Candelario)海地和大加勒比海地区的海地侨民,由Philippe Zaca?r编辑(凯瑟琳·贝诺(Catherine Beno?t)审查)Duvalier的《幽灵:种族,侨民和美国帝国主义在海地文学中》,Jana Evans Braziel(J。Michael审查) Dash)大陆通道:RamónE. Soto-Crespo撰写的波多黎各文化异常(Guillermo B. Irizarry评论)关于波多黎各岛和教区的报告(1647年),Diego de Torres y Vargas撰写(David评论) A. Badillo)《波多黎各土地改革:殖民地国家的现代化》,1941-1969年,作者IsmaelGarcía-Colón(RicardoPérez审查),《土地:其职业,管理,使用和概念化》。圭亚那上马扎鲁尼区上阿卡瓦约和阿雷库纳的案例,作者:Audrey J. Butt Colson(克里斯托弗·卡里科评论),《加勒比宗教史:入门》,作者:恩尼斯·B·埃德蒙兹和米歇尔·A。冈萨雷斯(N.塞缪尔·穆雷尔(N. Samuel Murrell)审查)十字架和砍刀:牙买加的本地浸信会教徒–身份,事工和遗产,德文·迪克(约翰·W·普利斯(John W. Pulis)审查)游遍基督教的大西洋:第十七世纪的犹太人,非洲人和美洲印第安人世纪,乔纳森·斯科尔(Jonathan Schorsch)(理查德·L·卡根(Richard L. Kagan)评论):《科斯莫斯与共同通讯》:厄尔尼诺·哈尔布马耶尔(Eithne B. Carlin评述)的古巴革命:美国和美国由拉尔斯·舒尔茨(Lars Schoultz)(安东尼·卡普西亚(Antoni Kapcia)评论)豹的声音:非洲秘密社会和古巴,艾佛·米勒(Ivor L. Miller)(伊丽莎白·佩雷斯(ElizabethPérez)评论)关塔那摩:帝国与革命之间的工人阶级历史,贾纳·利普曼(Jana K. Lipman)(评论)打包假期:西班牙加勒比海地区的旅游业发展,埃文·R·沃德(Evan R. Ward)(Polly Pattullo评论)非洲希腊人:盎格鲁英语加勒比海文学与古典文学之间的对话在二十世纪,由艾米丽·格林伍德(Emily Greenwood)(格雷格森·戴维斯(Gregson Davis)评介)加勒比海文化:卡莫·布拉斯韦特(Kanau Brathwaite)上的声音,安妮·保罗(Annie Paul)编辑(佩奇·亨利(Paget Henry)评介)斯蒂芬·费伊(Stephen Fay)回顾)骗子到了西方:早期黑人流浪汉叙事中的泛非影响力(作者:巴巴卡尔·姆拜(Babacar M'baye),切迪·贾根(Ceddi Jagan)和权力政治:英属圭亚那的独立斗争,科林·帕尔默(Colin A. Palmer) (由杰伊·曼德尔(Jay R. Mandle)审查)歌曲的语言:《非洲流散者的音乐世界之旅》,塞缪尔·查茨(Samuel Charters)(肯尼思·比尔比(Kenneth Bilby)审查)。人共鸣:牙买加舞厅的男性气质,唐娜·P·霍普(Donna P. Hope)审查(埃里克·宾德勒(Eric Bindler)审查) )



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