首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. >Chicorel Index to Mentai Health Book Reviews, 1976 Annual; an Annotated Guide to Books and Book Reviews in the Behavioral Sciences

Chicorel Index to Mentai Health Book Reviews, 1976 Annual; an Annotated Guide to Books and Book Reviews in the Behavioral Sciences




Is this the index that we have waited for, we who were contributors to as well as users and admirers of its predecessor, the Mental Health Book Review Index? I think not. The MHBRI, as we call it, ceased after the 1972 edition with the death in 1974 of its devoted editor Ilse Bry. Since then, mental health librarians have talked about trying to continue this work, but they soon realized that without the enthusiastic bibliographical acuity, the meticulous scholarship, and the patient self-sacrificing dedication of an Ilse Bry, it would be too hard to do. Perhaps a computer programmed by a genius could continue and even keep the index up-todate.
机译:这是我们一直在等待的索引吗?我们是其前身《精神卫生书籍评论索引》的撰稿人,使用者以及钦佩者吗?我想不是。我们所称的MHBRI在1972年版之后就终止了,1974年,其专门编辑Ilse Bry去世。从那时起,心理健康图书馆员就开始尝试继续这项工作,但是他们很快意识到,如果没有热情的书目敏锐度,细致的学术研究以及患者对伊尔塞·布莱的自我牺牲的奉献精神,那就太难了。也许由天才编程的计算机可以继续运行,甚至可以使索引保持最新状态。



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