首页> 外文期刊>NeuroQuantology: an interdisciplinary journal of neuroscience and quantum physics >The Effect of an Emotional Intelligence Intervention on Reducing Stress and Improving Communication Skills of Nursing Students

The Effect of an Emotional Intelligence Intervention on Reducing Stress and Improving Communication Skills of Nursing Students




Intensive care units are one of the most anxious environments for its employees, especially for doctors, nurses and nursing students. The current study was designed to test the efficacy of an emotional intelligence intervention on reducing stress and improving communication skills of nursing students. Nursing student volunteers from an introductory psychology class at a moderate western Chinese university participated for class credit (n=85). We randomly assigned the nursing students to an emotional intelligence group and a control group. The sample completed measures of perceived stress and communication skills at baseline and end of study. As expected, perceived stress decreased in the emotional intelligence group, but not in the control group, due to the intervention. Also, communication skills increased in emotional intelligence group but remained unchanged in the control group. Findings suggest that an emotional intelligence intervention can protect nursing students from an increase in perceived stress and a decrease in communication skills in the intensive care units.
机译:重症监护室是其员工最焦虑的环境之一,尤其是对医生,护士和护理学生而言。当前的研究旨在测试情绪智力干预对减轻护理学生的压力和提高其沟通技巧的功效。来自一所中等中国西部大学的心理学入门班的护理学生志愿者参加了课程信用(n = 85)。我们将护理学生随机分为情绪智力组和对照组。该样本在基线和研究结束时完成了感知压力和沟通技巧的测量。正如预期的那样,由于干预,情绪智力组的感知压力降低了,而对照组没有下降。此外,情商组的沟通技巧有所提高,而对照组则保持不变。研究结果表明,情商干预可以保护护生免受重症监护室中压力的增加和沟通技能的下降的影响。



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