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Spinal Extradural Arachnoid Cyst: A Case Report




Spinal extradural arachnoid cyst is a rare cause of spinal cord compression resulting in spinal myelopathy. We report a case of 12-year-old boy diagnosed with extradural thoracolumbar spinal arachnoid cyst presenting with back and leg pain, progressive left leg weakness, mild muscular atrophy and difficulty in walking. The boy presented with progressive weakness of distal left lower limb and intermittent claudication. MRI-scan revealed an extramedullary non-enhancing fluid signal intensity lesion with cord compression. The patient underwent zip laminectomy from T9 - L2 level using electric drill and total excision of the extradural cyst, microsurgical repair of the dural defect, followed by laminoplasty, using ethibond sutures was done. Intraoperative finding revealed an elongated 10 cm long cystic lesion with finger-like projections extending in the extradural space from T9 - L2 level, causing significant compression and displacement of the cord. The cyst was in communication with intradural subarachnoid space with a small ovoid-shaped arachnoid opening at T12 level on the left side adjacent to T11 nerve root. The postoperative course was uneventful and patient was discharged on postoperative day seven. Neurologically, the patient showed some improvement. On one-month follow-up, there was remarkable improvement in movement of the lower limbs. He was able to walk independently without limping gait; however, he still had mild weakness in his left leg (4+/5). Nepal Journal of Neuroscience , Volume 15, Number 2, 2018, Page: 49-54.
机译:脊柱硬膜外蛛网膜囊肿是引起脊髓脊髓压迫的罕见原因。我们报告了一例12岁男孩,被诊断患有硬膜外胸腰椎脊柱蛛网膜囊肿,表现为背部和腿部疼痛,进行性左腿无力,轻度肌肉萎缩和行走困难。该男孩表现出左下肢远端进行性肌无力和间歇性lau行。 MRI扫描显示髓外非增强液信号强度病变伴有脊髓受压。该患者使用电钻从T9-L2水平进行了拉链椎板切除术,并完全切除了硬膜外囊肿,显微外科手术修复了硬膜缺损,然后进行了隆突成形术,使用了乙苯缝合法。术中发现有一个长10 cm的囊性病变,从T9-L2水平开始在硬膜外腔中延伸出手指状突起,引起脐带明显受压和移位。囊肿与硬脑膜下蛛网膜下腔相通,在靠近T11神经根的左侧T12处有一个小的卵形蛛网状开口。术后过程平稳,患者在术后第七天出院。在神经学上,患者表现出一些改善。在一个月的随访中,下肢运动明显改善。他能够独立行走,而不必束缚步态。但是,他的左腿仍然轻度无力(4 + / 5)。尼泊尔神经科学杂志,2018年第15卷第2期,第49-54页。



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