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Transpedicular Approach for Subaxial Cervical Spine




Cervical spine decompression, fusion and fixation are required when pathologies like trauma, degeneration, infection or tumor destabilizes the spine or cause compression on neurovascular structures. Many approaches and instrumentation technique have evolved to achieve a stable spine closest to its natural state, preserving the anatomy and the function. Transpedicular approach to cervical spine has been a new addition to the attempt. Here, our experience of the procedure is presented. Total of 38 cases underwent this procedure from 2014 February to 2015 December. Twenty-four cases had unstable spine due to trauma, twelve had severe multilevel spondylotic cord compression and two had dump bell schwannomas. Their age ranged from 24 to 76 years with 22 males and 16 females. The procedures were done under general anesthesia in prone position on Gardner-Wells pins and a horseshoe headrest. After exposing the pedicles, 3.5 mm by 22 mm titanium poly-axial screws where inserted through the pedicles using the technique described by Professor Abumi. The pedicle screws were connected by a connecting rod, which had been bent in accordance with the normal cervical lordosis. Fusion was done using the bones obtained from the spinous process and laminae. There were fifty-six screws which were mis-directed, and had to be immediately corrected. There was no incidence of significant pedicle penetration or injury to neuro-vascular structures. There was temporary weakness of upper limbs postoperatively in seven patients, which recovered fully in two months’ time. There were six deaths due to uncontrolled septicaemia triggered by chest infection. The rest of the patients were discharged between one to six weeks after surgery. Transpedicular fixation of unstable cervical spine provides biomechanically a very rigid and good correction of sagittal alignment with a high-fusion rate and a few surgical complications. After realizing these advantages, transpedicular screw fixation in cervical spine is becoming an increasingly popular spine surgeon's armamentarium. Nepal Journal of Neuroscience 13:11-18, 2016
机译:当诸如外伤,变性,感染或肿瘤之类的病理使脊柱不稳定或导致神经血管结构受压时,需要进行颈椎减压,融合和固定。已经发展出许多方法和仪器技术来实现最接近其自然状态的稳定脊柱,同时保留解剖结构和功能。经椎弓根入路治疗颈椎已经成为尝试的新方法。在这里,我们介绍了该程序的经验。从2014年2月到2015年12月,共有38例患者接受了该程序。 24例因创伤导致脊柱不稳定,12例严重受累多级脊柱脊髓压迫,2例发生倾倒性神经鞘瘤。他们的年龄从24岁到76岁不等,男性22位,女性16位。该程序是在全身麻醉下,俯卧在Gardner-Wells针和马蹄形头枕上进行的。暴露椎弓根后,使用Abumi教授描述的技术将3.5 mm x 22 mm钛多轴螺钉插入椎弓根。椎弓根螺钉通过连杆连接,该连杆已根据正常的颈椎前凸弯曲。使用从棘突和薄片获得的骨头进行融合。有56个螺钉的方向错误,必须立即纠正。没有明显的椎弓根穿透或神经血管结构损伤的发生率。七例患者术后出现上肢暂时性无力,并在两个月后完全康复。因胸部感染引发败血症,导致六人死亡。其余患者在手术后1至6周内出院。经椎弓根固定不稳定的颈椎,在生物力学上为矢状位提供了非常牢固和良好的矫正,融合率高,且手术并发症少。在意识到这些优势之后,颈椎椎弓根螺钉固定术正成为越来越流行的脊柱外科医生的军械库。尼泊尔神经科学杂志13:11-18,2016



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