首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Sociodemographic, Epidemiological, and Clinical Risk Factors for Childhood Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Severely Malnourished Children Presenting With Pneumonia: Observation in an Urban Hospital in Bangladesh

Sociodemographic, Epidemiological, and Clinical Risk Factors for Childhood Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Severely Malnourished Children Presenting With Pneumonia: Observation in an Urban Hospital in Bangladesh




We aimed to evaluate sociodemographic, epidemiological, and clinical risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in children presenting with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and pneumonia. Children aged 0 to 59 months with SAM and radiologic pneumonia from April 2011 to July 2012 were studied in Bangladesh. Children with confirmed PTB (by culture and/or X-pert MTB/RIF) (cases = 27) and without PTB (controls = 81; randomly selected from 378 children) were compared. The cases more often had the history of contact with active PTB patient (P .01) and exposure to cigarette smoke (P = .04) compared with the controls. In logistic regression analysis, after adjusting for potential confounders, the cases were independently associated with working mother (P = .05) and positive tuberculin skin test (TST; P = .02). Thus, pneumonia in SAM children is a common presentation of PTB and further highlights the importance of the use of simple TST and/or history of contact with active TB patients in diagnosing PTB in such...
机译:我们旨在评估患有严重急性营养不良(SAM)和肺炎的儿童的肺结核(PTB)的社会人口统计学,流行病学和临床危险因素。在孟加拉国研究了2011年4月至2012年7月0至59个月患有SAM和放射性肺炎的儿童。比较确诊PTB(通过文化和/或X-pert MTB / RIF)的儿童(病例= 27)和没有PTB(对照= 81;从378名儿童中随机选择)的儿童。与对照组相比,这些病例更常有与活动性PTB患者接触的历史(P <.01)和接触香烟烟雾的历史(P = .04)。在逻辑回归分析中,在校正了潜在的混杂因素后,病例独立于在职母亲(P = .05)和结核菌素皮肤试验阳性(TST; P = .02)。因此,SAM儿童肺炎是PTB的常见表现,并进一步突显了使用简单的TST和/或与活动性TB患者接触的历史在此类患者中诊断PTB的重要性。



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