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Children in clinical trials: survey on the current situation in paediatric university clinics in Germany




Many prescribed treatments for children have not been adequately tested in children, sometimes resulting in harmful treatments being given and beneficial treatments being withheld. In the absence of specific trial-based data in children, results of studies in adults are extrapolated, which is often inappropriate because children have different range of diseases and metabolize medications differently. Trials in children are more challenging than those in adults and the pool of eligible children entering trials is often small. Children must have at last the same rights as adults in relation to receiving treatment with medicinal products that have been fully tested. The need for more studies to obtain paediatric information for medicines used in children is now a matter of consensus on a global basis and is considered a public health priority. Therfore a survey was performed in university hospitals in Germany targeting the current and future situation of children in clinical trials. The questionnaire of this survey was sent to 68 paediatric departments in 31 university clinics in Germany with a respond rate of 27% with respect to 18 returned questionnaires. With regard to new laws, guidelines and strong governmental support and funding an increasing number of clinical trials is expected. Surprisingly, the number of trials in the paediatric population remains unchanged within a period of 4 years (2005-2008). Added to the surveys performed within the pharmaceutical industry from Heinrich and Hark the number of trials in children remains unchanged even within a period of 9 years (2000-2008). The efforts undertaken by the government regarding funding and supporting KKS (Coordinating Centers for Clinical Trials) and affiliated PAED-Net (Pediatric Network on Medication Development and Testing in Children and Adolescents at KKS) appear to be insufficient. Beginning of this year the legal framework with the urgent expected “Paediatric Regulation” was established. May be the implementation by clinicians and pharmaceutical industry will improve the current situation.



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