首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Sphenopalatine ganglion block for treatment of post-dural puncture headache in obstetric patients: An observational study

Sphenopalatine ganglion block for treatment of post-dural puncture headache in obstetric patients: An observational study




Background and Aims: Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a consequence of spinal and epidural anaesthesia in approximately 1% of obstetric patients. The gold standard for its treatment is epidural blood patch. Sphenopalatine ganglion block (SPGB) has been proposed as a non-invasive intervention with minimal adverse effect. The primary objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of SPGB for treatment of PDPH. Secondary objectives were to assess onset of analgesia, duration of block and adverse effects. Methods: Twenty parturients diagnosed to have PDPH, resistant to standard treatment modalities such as intravenous fluids, abdominal binder, bed rest and caffeine, were recruited into this prospective observational study. Patients were allocated to either of the two groups. Group A patients received paracetamol 1 g 8 hourly intravenously for a day. If adequate pain relief was not achieved, diclofenac 75 mg 12 hourly was added. Patients in group B received SPGB with 2% lignocaine. Fisher's exact test, Mann–Whitney test and independent sample t-test were used for statistical analysis. Results: About 88.89% patients in group B had adequate pain relief within 5 min of block (P 0.001). Pain was significantly lower in Group B for up to 8 h, with no adverse effects. Conclusion: SPGB is an effective initial modality for managing severe headache in patients with PDPH.
机译:背景与目的:硬膜外穿刺头痛(PDPH)是约1%的产科患者进行脊柱和硬膜外麻醉的结果。其治疗的金标准是硬膜外血液斑块。蝶ala神经节阻滞(SPGB)已被建议作为一种无创干预措施,具有最小的不良反应。这项研究的主要目的是评估SPGB治疗PDPH的疗效。次要目标是评估镇痛作用,阻滞持续时间和不良反应。方法:招募了20名被诊断为PDPH且对标准治疗方式具有抵抗力的产妇,例如静脉输液,腹腔粘连剂,卧床休息和咖啡因,这些患者均参与了这项前瞻性观察研究。患者被分为两组。 A组患者每天8小时静脉滴注1 g对乙酰氨基酚。如果未能获得足够的止痛效果,则每12小时添加75毫克双氯芬酸。 B组患者接受含2%利多卡因的SPGB。 Fisher精确检验,Mann-Whitney检验和独立样本t检验用于统计分析。结果:B组中约88.89%的患者在阻滞后5分钟内疼痛得到充分缓解(P <0.001)。在长达8小时的时间里,B组的疼痛明显降低,且无不良影响。结论:SPGB是治疗PDPH患者严重头痛的有效初始方式。



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