首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine >“Radio Inside My Head”: A Curious Case of Early Onset “Stuck Song Syndrome” or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Predominant Musical Obsession

“Radio Inside My Head”: A Curious Case of Early Onset “Stuck Song Syndrome” or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Predominant Musical Obsession

机译:“我头内的收音机”:早期发作的“ St歌综合症”或主要是音乐痴迷的强迫症



Musical obsessions also called “stuck song syndrome” is a topic of limited research. It is among the most poorly understood and rare phenomenology. There are only a few cases reported across the world which describes it. Subjects usually present with complaints of continuous play of a musical tune in the head which the subject is unable to remove. Because of its similarity in presentation with auditory musical hallucination, it presents a diagnostic dilemma to the clinician. Here, we present the case of a 25-year-old man who presented with this particular phenomenon, and the approach we took to manage it.
机译:对音乐的痴迷也被称为“ st歌综合症”,这是一个有限的研究主题。它是最难理解和罕见的现象学之一。在世界范围内,只有少数案例对此进行了描述。受检者通常会抱怨头部无法连续播放音乐。由于其在呈现方式上与听觉幻觉相似,因此给临床医生带来了诊断难题。在这里,我们介绍了一个出现这种特殊现象的25岁男子的案例,以及我们采取的应对方法。



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