首页> 外文期刊>IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation >A Novel Randomized Search Technique for Multiple Mobile Robot Paths Planning In Repetitive Dynamic Environment

A Novel Randomized Search Technique for Multiple Mobile Robot Paths Planning In Repetitive Dynamic Environment




Presented article is studying the issue of path navigating for numerous robots. Our presented approach is based on both priority and the robust method for path finding in repetitive dynamic. Presented model can be generally implementable and useable: We do not assume any restriction regarding the quantity of levels of freedom for robots, and robots of diverse kinds can be applied at the same time. We proposed a random method and hill-climbing technique in the area based on precedence plans, which is used to determine a solution to a given trajectory planning problem and to make less the extent of total track. Our method plans trajectories for particular robots in the setting-time scope. Therefore, in order to specifying the interval of constant objects similar to other robots and the extent of the tracks which is traversed. For measuring the hazard for robots to conflict with each other it applied a method based on probability of the movements of robots. This algorithm applied to real robots with successful results. The proposed method performed and judged on both real robots and in simulation. We performed sequence of100tests with 8 robots for comparing with coordination method and current performances are effective. However, maximizing the performance is still possible. These performances estimations performed on Windows operating system and 3GHz Intel Pentium IV with and compiles with GCC 3.4. We used our PCGA robot for all experiments.? For a large environment of 19×15m 2 where we accomplished 40tests, our model is competent to plan high-quality paths in a severely short time (less than a second). Moreover, this article utilized lookup tables to keep expenses the formerly navigated robots made, increasing the number of robots don’t expand computation time. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijra.v1i4.1260.
机译:提出的文章正在研究众多机器人的路径导航问题。我们提出的方法基于重复性动态中优先级和鲁棒性的路径查找方法。提出的模型通常可以实现和使用:我们不假定机器人的自由度有任何限制,并且可以同时应用各种机器人。我们提出了一种基于优先方案的随机方法和爬山技术,用于确定给定轨迹规划问题的解决方案,并减少总航迹的范围。我们的方法在设置时间范围内计划特定机器人的轨迹。因此,为了指定与其他机器人相似的恒定对象的间隔以及所经过的轨迹的范围。为了测量机器人相互冲突的危险,它应用了一种基于机器人运动概率的方法。该算法成功应用于实际机器人。所提出的方法在真实机器人和仿真中都可以执行和判断。我们使用8个机器人执行了100次测试序列,以与协调方法进行比较,并且当前的性能是有效的。但是,仍然可以使性能最大化。这些性能评估是在Windows操作系统和3GHz Intel Pentium IV上并与GCC 3.4一起编译的。我们将PCGA机器人用于所有实验。对于我们完成40个测试的19×15m 2的大型环境,我们的模型能够在非常短的时间内(不到一秒钟)规划高质量的路径。此外,本文利用查找表来保留以前导航的机器人的制造费用,从而增加了机器人的数量,并没有延长计算时间。 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijra.v1i4.1260。



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