首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Dearth of full-length HIV-1 sequences obscures the true HIV-1 genetic subtypes distribution in sub-Saharan Africa

Dearth of full-length HIV-1 sequences obscures the true HIV-1 genetic subtypes distribution in sub-Saharan Africa




HIV infection is still a public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. The broad diversity exhibited by HIV-1 may impact on transmission, disease progression, drug resistance and vaccine development. Most analyses of HIV-1 subtype distribution have been on partial HIV-1 gene sequences, which may not adequately reflect the circulating subtypes. The objective of this study was to estimate the HIV-1 subtype distribution in sub-Saharan Africa using only full-length genome sequences. Using available HIV-1 full-length genome sequences from sub-Saharan Africa, the HIV-1 distribution in the region was analysed and compared with a previous global analysis which was not based entirely on full-length sequences. A total of 934 HIV-1 full-length genome sequences were available from 27 sub-Saharan countries. There was a disproportionate distribution of HIV-1 subtypes among countries with Cameroon having all the four HIV-1 groups. The subtype C was the most available in addition to a large proportion of circulating and unique recombinant forms (CRFs/URFs) especially in Central and West African countries, with frequencies of 32.6 to 90%. There was decreased representation of subtypes A and G in regions where CRFs/URFs were common compared with previous analysis using partial sequences. There is a need for more HIV-1 full-length genome sequences from sub-Saharan Africa for the true distribution of HIV-1 subtypes to be known, as analysis of partial sequences is not truly representative of the circulating subtypes.
机译:在撒哈拉以南非洲,艾滋病毒感染仍然是一个公共卫生问题。 HIV-1表现出的广泛多样性可能会影响传播,疾病进展,耐药性和疫苗开发。对HIV-1亚型分布的大多数分析都是针对HIV-1基因的部分序列进行的,这些序列可能不足以反映正在传播的亚型。这项研究的目的是仅使用全长基因组序列来估计撒哈拉以南非洲地区的HIV-1亚型分布。使用来自撒哈拉以南非洲的可用HIV-1全长基因组序列,对该地区的HIV-1分布进行了分析,并与以前的全球分析进行了比较,后者并非完全基于全长序列。撒哈拉以南27个国家/地区共有934个HIV-1全长基因组序列。在喀麦隆拥有所有四个HIV-1组的国家之间,HIV-1亚型分布不成比例。除了大部分循环和独特的重组形式(CRF / URF)外,尤其是在中非和西非国家,C亚型是频率最高的,频率为32.6%至90%。与之前使用部分序列进行的分析相比,在CRF / URF常见的区域中,亚型A和G的代表性降低。为了了解HIV-1亚型的真实分布,需要有更多来自撒哈拉以南非洲的HIV-1全长基因组序列,因为对部分序列的分析不能真正代表流通中的亚型。



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