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Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis of Near Full-Length HIV-1 Subtypes A, B, G and Unique Recombinant AC and AD Viral Strains Identified in South Africa


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By the end of 2012, more than 6.1 million people were infected with HIV-1 in South Africa. Subtype C was responsible for the majority of these infections and more than 300 near full-length genomes (NFLGs) have been published. Currently very few non-subtype C isolates have been identified and characterized within the country, particularly full genome non-C isolates. Seven patients from the Tygerberg Virology (TV) cohort were previously identified as possible non-C subtypes and were selected for further analyses. RNA was isolated from five individuals (TV047, TV096, TV101, TV218, and TV546) and DNA from TV016 and TV1057. The NFLGs of these samples were amplified in overlapping fragments and sequenced. Online subtyping tools REGA version 3 and jpHMM were used to screen for subtypes and recombinants. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analysis (phyML) was used to infer subtypes and SimPlot was used to confirm possible intersubtype recombinants. We identified three subtype B (TV016, TV047, and TV1057) isolates, one subtype A1 (TV096), one subtype G (TV546), one unique AD (TV101), and one unique AC (TV218) recombinant form. This is the first NFLG of subtype G that has been described in South Africa. The subtype B sequences described also increased the NFLG subtype B sequences in Africa from three to six. There is a need for more NFLG sequences, as partial HIV-1 sequences may underrepresent viral recombinant forms. It is also necessary to continue monitoring the evolution and spread of HIV-1 in South Africa, because understanding viral diversity may play an important role in HIV-1 prevention strategies.
机译:截至2012年底,南非有超过610万人感染了HIV-1。 C型是造成这些感染的主要原因,并且已经出版了300多个近全长基因组(NFLG)。目前,该国很少有人鉴定和鉴定非C亚型分离株,特别是全基因组非C分离株。先前已将Tygerberg病毒学(TV)队列中的7例患者确定为可能的非C亚型,并选择进行进一步分析。从五个个体(TV047,TV096,TV101,TV218和TV546)中分离出RNA,并从TV016和TV1057中分离出DNA。这些样品的NFLGs被重叠片段扩增并测序。在线亚型分析工具REGA 3版和jpHMM用于筛选亚型和重组子。最大似然(ML)系统发育分析(phyML)用于推断亚型,SimPlot用于确认可能的亚型重组体。我们鉴定了三种亚型B(TV016,TV047和TV1057)分离株,一种亚型A1(TV096),一种亚型G(TV546),一种独特的AD(TV101)和一种独特的AC(TV218)重组形式。这是南非描述的第一个G型亚型NFLG。所述的亚型B序列还将非洲的NFLG亚型B序列从3个增加到6个。由于部分HIV-1序列可能不足以代表病毒重组形式,因此需要更多的NFLG序列。还有必要继续监测南非HIV-1的进化和传播,因为了解病毒多样性可能在HIV-1预防策略中发挥重要作用。



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