首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Medical Education and Practice >Comparison of self-reported professional competency across pharmacy education programs: a survey of Thai pharmacy graduates enrolled in the public service program

Comparison of self-reported professional competency across pharmacy education programs: a survey of Thai pharmacy graduates enrolled in the public service program




Introduction: Thai pharmacy education consists of two undergraduate programs, a 5-year Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BScPsci and BScPcare) degree and a 6-year Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D). Pharmacy students who wish to serve in the public sector need to enroll in the public service program. This study aims to compare the perception of professional competency among new pharmacy graduates from the three different pharmacy programs available in 2013 who enrolled in the public service program. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among new pharmacy graduates in 2013 using a self-administered, structured, close-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of respondents' characteristics and perception of professional competencies. The competency questions consisted of 13 items with a 5-point scale. Data collection was conducted during Thailand's annual health professional meeting on April 2, 2013 for workplace selection of pharmacy graduates. Results: A total of 266 new pharmacy graduates responded to the questionnaire (response rate 49.6%). There were no significant differences in sex and admission modes across the three pharmacy programs. Pharm D graduates reported highest competency in acute care services, medication reconciliation services, and primary care services among the other two programs. BScPsci graduates reported more competence in consumer health protection and herbal and alternative medicines than BScPcare graduates. There were significant differences in three competency domains: patient care, consumer protection and community health services, and drug review and information, but no significant differences in the health administration and communication domain among three pharmacy programs. Conclusion: Despite a complete change into a 6-year Pharm D program in 2014, pharmacy education in Thailand should continue evolving to be responsive to the needs of the health system. An annual survey of new pharmacy graduates should be continued, to monitor changes of professional competency across different program tracks and other factors which may influence their contribution to the health service system. Likewise, a longitudinal monitoring of their competencies in the graduate cohort should be conducted.
机译:简介:泰国药学教育包括两个本科课程,一个为期5年的药学科学学士学位(BScPsci和BScPcare)和一个为期6年的药学博士学位(Pharm D)。希望在公共部门服务的药学专业学生需要注册公共服务计划。这项研究旨在比较2013年参加公共服务计划的三个不同药学专业的新药学专业毕业生对专业能力的看法。方法:采用自我管理,结构化,封闭式问卷调查,对2013年的新药学专业毕业生进行了横断面调查。问卷包括受访者的特征和对专业能力的看法。能力问题由13个项目组成,满分为5分。数据收集是在2013年4月2日泰国年度卫生专业会议上进行的,以选择药房毕业生的工作场所。结果:共有266名新药学专业毕业生对此问卷进行了答复(答复率为49.6%)。在这三个药房计划中,性别和入院方式没有显着差异。 Pharm D毕业生报告了在其他两个计划中,在急诊服务,药物调和服务和初级保健服务方面的能力最高。与BScPcare毕业生相比,BScPsci毕业生在消费者健康保护以及草药和替代药物方面的能力更高。在三个胜任力领域中存在显着差异:患者护理,消费者保护和社区卫生服务以及药物审核和信息,但是在三个药房计划之间,在健康管理和交流领域中没有显着差异。结论:尽管2014年对6年制Pharm D计划进行了全面更改,但泰国的药学教育应继续发展以适应卫生系统的需求。应继续对新的药学专业毕业生进行年度调查,以监测跨不同计划领域的专业能力的变化以及可能影响其对卫生服务系统贡献的其他因素。同样,应该对他们在研究生队伍中的能力进行纵向监测。



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