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Use of Constructivist Approach in Higher Education: An Instructors’ Observation




The study aimed at exploring the significance of constructivist approach at higher education level. It also examined its effects on social learning of students. The researcher adopted observational method of descriptive research. The participants of the study consisted of students of Master of Arts in Education (M. A. Education) of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The researcher taught a course titled, “Qualitative research methods” for three years to three (different M. A. Education) classes. The researcher used constructivist approach and designed activities to involve students in the process of learning. The activities were offered to homogeneous (male-male and female-female) as well as heterogeneous (male-female) groups of students. On the basis of observation, the researcher concluded that students enjoyed working on collaborative and cooperative projects and tasks. They were keen on constructing knowledge by involving themselves in activities and showing their readiness to embrace constructivist approach. Constructivist approach played a significant role in the process of learning to constructing knowledge. Similarly, collaborative and cooperative work developed contribution spirit among students overcoming their shyness and introversion. They became independent and capable of taking initiatives in conducting research projects. They also learnt ethics, social skills and etiquettes in groups. However, some culture related problems like working of female students with their counterparts and shyness of rural students were noted.
机译:该研究旨在探索建构主义方法在高等教育层面的重要性。它还检查了其对学生社会学习的影响。研究者采用描述性研究的观察方法。该研究的参与者包括伊斯兰教的巴哈瓦尔布尔大学教育学硕士(教育硕士)学生。研究人员为三年(不同的M. A.教育)课程教授了名为“定性研究方法”的课程,为期三年。研究人员采用了建构主义的方法,并设计了一些活动来让学生参与学习过程。这些活动提供给同质(男-女和女-女)以及异类(男-女)学生。在观察的基础上,研究人员得出结论,学生喜欢从事协作和合作的项目和任务。他们热衷于通过参与活动并表现出愿意接受建构主义方法来建构知识。建构主义的方法在从学习到建构知识的过程中发挥了重要作用。同样,协作和合作工作在克服学生的害羞和内向的过程中培养了他们的贡献精神。他们变得独立,并能够主动进行研究项目。他们还分组学习了道德,社交技巧和礼节。但是,注意到一些与文化有关的问题,例如女学生与同伴一起工作以及农村学生的害羞。



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