首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology >The Treatment of Giant Periurethral Condyloma in Pregnancy Using an Ultrasonic Thermal Scalpel: A Case Report and New Single Session Treatment Option

The Treatment of Giant Periurethral Condyloma in Pregnancy Using an Ultrasonic Thermal Scalpel: A Case Report and New Single Session Treatment Option




Multiple large polypoid lesions with exophytic appearance occurring in anal and perineal region as a result of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection are referred to as giant condyloma acuminatum (GCA). The conventional treatment of these lesions involves the use of surgical excision, laser, electrocautery, and/or application of trichloroacetic acid. A 28-year-old primigravid patient at 22 weeks of pregnancy presented to the hospital complaining of vaginal bleeding and palpable mass in the vulva. The physical examination revealed a 60 × 35 mm broad-based, fragile, and patchy hemorrhagic polypoid lesion originating 1 cm below the clitoris and completely occupying urethral orifice and partially occluding vaginal vestibule. The patient underwent excision of GCA in the midtrimester using an ultrasonic thermal scalpel (Harmonic Scalpel) without any additional treatment and subsequently delivered a single live healthy baby. The excision of GCA occurring during pregnancy using Harmonic Scalpel can be regarded as a new successful method. Prospective, randomized, and controlled studies are warranted in order to provide clear evidence of the efficiency and safety of HS in the treatment of GCA.
机译:由于人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染而在肛门和会阴区出现多呈外生型的多息肉样大病变,被称为巨大尖锐湿疣(GCA)。这些损伤的常规治疗包括手术切除,激光,电灼和/或三氯乙酸的应用。怀孕22周时,一名28岁的原发性重症患者因阴道出血和外阴明显肿块而到医院就诊。体格检查发现,有60×35 mm宽阔,脆弱且不规则的出血性息肉状病变,起源于阴蒂以下1 cm,完全占据尿道口,部分阻塞阴道前庭。患者在妊娠中期使用超声热手术刀(Harmonic Sc​​alpel)进行了GCA切除,未进行任何其他治疗,随后分娩了一个活着的健康婴儿。使用谐波手术刀切除妊娠期发生的GCA可以视为一种成功的新方法。为了提供明确的证据证明HS治疗GCA的有效性和安全性,需要进行前瞻性,随机和对照研究。



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