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Postharvest quality of a??Galaxya?? apples submitted to the treatment with 1-MCP and different cooling times between harvest and cold storage




In this research it was evaluated if the use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), associated to different cooling times between the harvest and storage, replaces the pre-cooling in a??Galaxya?? apples. Treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme, combining the following factors: application of 1-MCP (with or without) and different times between harvest and cooling (24 hours, 96 hours, 144 hours and 192 hours in 2013; and 24 hours, 48 hours, 144 hours and 240 hours in 2014). After four months of cold storage (1.0?±0.2?°C/92?±5% RH - Relative Humidity) were evaluated: flesh firmness, texture, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS) and skin color. Apples treated with 1-MCP showed greater flesh firmness, texture and SS, in both years, and more TA and lower incidence of mealy flesh compared to apples not treated with 1-MCP in 2013. The 1-MCP was effective in maintaining the fruit quality, even with the cooling delay of up to 240 hours. Cooling delay of 192 hours and 240 hours in a??Galaxya?? apples not treated with 1-MCP should be avoided because it reduces the quality of fruits.
机译:在这项研究中,评估了在收获和储存之间的不同冷却时间所使用的1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)是否代替了“ Galaxya”中的预冷却。苹果。处理采用因子分解方案进行安排,结合以下因素:应用1-MCP(有或没有)以及收获和降温之间的不同时间(2013年分别为24小时,96小时,144小时和192小时;以及24小时48小时,144小时和240小时)。冷藏四个月后(1.0?±0.2?C / 92?±5%RH-相对湿度)进行了评估:肉的硬度,质地,可滴定的酸度(TA),可溶性固体(SS)和肤色。与2013年未使用1-MCP处理的苹果相比,使用1-MCP处理的苹果在两年中均显示出更高的果肉硬度,质感和SS,并且TA和粉状果肉的发生率更低。1-MCP可有效维持果实即使长达240小时的冷却延迟也能保持高质量。 “ Galaxya”的冷却延迟为192小时和240小时避免使用未经1-MCP处理的苹果,因为它会降低水果的质量。



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