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Outcome prediction in disorders of consciousness: the role of coma recovery scale revised




To evaluate the utility of the revised coma remission scale (CRS-r), together with other clinical variables, in predicting emergence from disorders of consciousness (DoC) during intensive rehabilitation care. Data were retrospectively extracted from the medical records of patients enrolled in a specialized intensive rehabilitation unit. 123 patients in a vegetative state (VS) and 57 in a minimally conscious state (MCS) were included and followed for a period of 8?weeks. Demographical and clinical factors were used as outcome measures. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression models were employed for examining potential predictors for clinical outcome along the time. VS and MCS groups were matched for demographical and clinical variables (i.e., age, aetiology, tracheostomy and route of feeding). Within 2?months after admission in intensive neurorehabilitation unit, 3.9% were dead, 35.5% had a full recovery of consciousness and 66.7% remained in VS or MCS. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the best predictor of functional improvement was the CRS-r scores. In particular, patients with values greater than 12 at admission were those with a favourable likelihood of emergence from DoC. Our study highlights the role of the CRS-r scores for predicting a short-term favorable outcome.
机译:为了评估修订后的昏迷缓解量表(CRS-r)以及其他临床变量在预测强化康复护理期间意识障碍(DoC)出现时的效用。数据是从专门的强化康复病房患者的病历中回顾性提取的。纳入了123名处于营养状态(VS)的患者和57名处于最低意识状态(MCS)的患者,并随访了8周。人口统计学和临床​​因素用作结果指标。单变量和多变量Cox回归模型用于检查一段时间内临床结果的潜在预测因素。 VS和MCS组在人口统计学和临床​​变量(即年龄,病因,气管切开术和进食途径)方面匹配。入院后2个月内,有3.9%的患者死亡,35.5%的患者完全恢复了意识,而VS或MCS的患者仍然占66.7%。多变量分析表明,功能改善的最佳预测指标是CRS-r评分。特别是,入院时值大于12的患者是有可能从DoC出现的患者。我们的研究强调了CRS-r评分在预测短期有利结果中的作用。



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