首页> 外文期刊>Computers, Environment and Urban Systems >A cost-effective strategy for multi-scale photo-realistic building modeling and web-based 3-D GIS applications in real estate

A cost-effective strategy for multi-scale photo-realistic building modeling and web-based 3-D GIS applications in real estate

机译:房地产中多尺度逼真的建筑物建模和基于Web的3-D GIS应用的经济高效策略

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Web-based 3-D GIS may be the most appropriate tool for decision makers in land management and development. It provides not only the basic GIS functions, but also visually realistic landscape and architectural detail. It also gives the user an immersive 3-D virtual reality environment through the Internet that is rather different from that obtained merely through text, pictures, or videos. However, in terms of high accuracy and level-of-detail (LOD), the generation of a fully photo-realistic city model is labor intensive and time consuming. At the same time, from the aspect of computer graphics, the result is simply a geometric model without thematic information. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose a cost-effective multi-scale building modeling strategy based on the 2-D GIS building footprint that has rich attributes and to realize its application in the real estate market through a web-based 3-D GIS platform. Generally, the data volume needed for a photo-realistic city model is huge, thus for the purpose of increasing Internet data streaming efficiency and reducing the building modeling cost, a multiple-scale building modeling strategy, including block modeling, generic texture modeling, photo-realistic economic modeling, and photo-realistic detailed modeling is proposed. Since 2-D building boundary polygons are popularly used and well attributed, e.g., as to number of stories, address, type, material, etc., we are able to construct the photo-realistic city model based on this. Meanwhile, the conventional 2-D spatial analysis can be maintained and extended to 3-D GIS in the proposed scheme. For real estate applications, a location query system for selecting the optimum living environment is established. Some geospatial query and analysis functionalities are realized, such as address and road-junction positioning and terrain profile analysis. An experimental study area of 11 km~2 in size is used to demonstrate that the proposed multi-scale building modeling strategy and its integration into a web-based 3-D GIS platform is both efficient and cost-effective.
机译:基于Web的3-D GIS可能是决策者进行土地管理和开发的最合适工具。它不仅提供基本的GIS功能,而且还提供视觉逼真的景观和建筑细节。它还通过互联网为用户提供了一个身临其境的3D虚拟现实环境,该环境与仅通过文本,图片或视频获得的环境完全不同。但是,就高精度和详细程度(LOD)而言,生成具有完全照片级逼真的城市模型会占用大量人力,并且非常耗时。同时,从计算机图形学的角度来看,结果只是一个没有主题信息的几何模型。因此,本研究的目的是基于具有丰富属性的2-D GIS建筑足迹,提出一种具有成本效益的多尺度建筑建模策略,并通过基于网络的3-S实现其在房地产市场中的应用。 D GIS平台。通常,逼真的城市模型所需的数据量巨大,因此,出于提高Internet数据流传输效率和降低建筑物建模成本的目的,一种多尺度建筑物建模策略,包括块建模,通用纹理建模,照片提出了逼真的经济模型,并提出了逼真的详细模型。由于二维建筑边界多边形已得到广泛使用并具有良好的属性,例如在楼层数,地址,类型,材料等方面,因此我们能够基于此构建逼真的城市模型。同时,在所提出的方案中可以维持常规的2-D空间分析并将其扩展到3-D GIS。对于房地产应用,建立了用于选择最佳居住环境的位置查询系统。实现了一些地理空间查询和分析功能,例如地址和路口定位以及地形轮廓分析。通过一个11 km〜2的实验研究区域来证明所提出的多尺度建筑建模策略及其与基于Web的3-D GIS平台的集成既有效又具有成本效益。



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