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Exploring Post-critical Composition: MEmorials for Afghanistan and the Lost Boys of Sudan


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This article seeks to extend the concept of "post-critical composition" through an analysis of two MEmorials, the post-critical genre Gregory Ulmer [U]mer, Gregory L. (2005). Electronic monuments. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press] has been exploring for 15 years. I resist the tendency on the part of some post-critical theorists to reject the role of genres and models in favor of perpetual re-invention of genres and pedagogies with each composition. Through a combination of product analysis and process reflection, this article documents the necessary but flexible role the genre ol'MEmorial played in a student composition, "MEmorial for Afghanistan," and in my own composition, "Strangers in Strange Lands: A MEmorial for the Lost Boys of Sudan*." This essay is an extension of not only post-critical composition but also online memorialization, described by National Public Radio [National Public Radio. (2007, May 28). Online memorials to the war dead. Day to day. Retrieved June 5, 2007, from as a "modern phenomenon" and identified by Joyce Walker [Walker, Joyce. (2007). Narratives in the database: Memorializing September 1 lth online. Computers and Composition 24(2), 121-153] as a potentially powerful means of encouraging "cyborg citizens."
机译:本文力求通过对两种记忆形式的分析来扩展“后批判构图”的概念,这两种批评是后批判类型Gregory Ulmer [U] mer,Gregory L.(2005)。电子纪念碑。明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社]已经探索了15年。我反对某些后批判理论家倾向于拒绝流派和模型的作用,而赞成对每种构成永久地重新发明流派和教学法的倾向。通过产品分析和过程反思的结合,本文记录了该类型的纪念曲在学生作文“阿富汗纪念章”和我自己的作文“陌生人中的陌生人:纪念奖章”中扮演的必要但灵活的角色。苏丹失散的男孩们*”。本文不仅是批评后作品的延伸,而且是国家纪念电台[National Public Radio.National Public Radio]描述的在线纪念活动的延伸。 (2007年5月28日)。战争死者的在线纪念馆。日复一日。检索自2007年6月5日,是“现代现象”,由乔伊斯·沃克(Joyce Walker)[Walker,Joyce。 (2007)。数据库中的叙述:在线纪念9月1日。 Computers and Composition 24(2),121-153]作为鼓励“机器人公民”的潜在有力手段。



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