首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Statistics >An improved algorithm for reliability bounds of multistate networks

An improved algorithm for reliability bounds of multistate networks


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Indirect approaches based on minimal path vectors (d-MPs) and/or minimal cut vectors (d-MCs) are reported to be efficient for the reliability evaluation of multistate networks. Given the need to find more efficient evaluation methods for exact reliability, such techniques may still be cumbersome when the size of the network and the states of component are relatively large. Alternatively, computing reliability bounds can provide approximated reliability with less computational effort. Based on Bai's exact and indirect reliability evaluation algorithm, an improved algorithm is proposed in this study, which provides sequences of upper and lower reliability bounds of multistate networks. Novel heuristic rules with a pre-specified value to filter less important sets of unspecified states are then developed and incorporated into the algorithm. Computational experiments comparing the proposed methods with an existing direct bounding algorithm show that the new algorithms can provide tight reliability bounds with less computational effort, especially for the proposed algorithm with heuristic L1.



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