首页> 外文期刊>Cluster Computing >On-line feedback-based automatic resource configuration for distributed applications

On-line feedback-based automatic resource configuration for distributed applications




A key problem in executing performance critical applications on distributed computing environments (e.g. the Grid) is the selection of resources. Research related to “automatic resource selection” aims to allocate resources on behalf of users to optimize the execution performance. However, most of current approaches are based on the static principle (i.e. resource selection is performed prior to execution) and need detailed application-specific information. In the paper, we introduce a novel on-line automatic resource selection approach. This approach is based on a simple control theory: the application continuously reports the Execution Satisfaction Degree (ESD) to the middleware Application Agent (AA), which relies on the reported ESD values to learn the execution behavior and tune the computing environment by adding/replacing/deleting resources during the execution in order to satisfy users’ performance requirements. We introduce two different policies applied to this approach to enable the AA to learn and tune the computing environment: the Utility Classification policy and the Desired Processing Power Estimation (DPPE) policy. Each policy is validated by an iterative application and a non-iterative application to demonstrate that both policies are effective to support most kinds of applications.



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