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Simulation and modeling-the macro modeling of phase locked loops for the SPICE simulator


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A modeling approach that uses no semiconductor junctions and no regenerative feedback is described. The voltage-controlled oscillator is implemented by means of a circuit producing essentially infinite ringing, and the comparator characteristics are obtained by means of an odd-order polynomial transfer function. The design of the comparator, phase detector, low-pass filter, and error amplifier are also discussed. Performance of the complete macro-model is such that 8000-point simulations, corresponding to some 150 cycles of local oscillator, can be performed in about 15 min on a platform such as the Sun 3/60, or Apollo DN4500.
机译:描述了一种不使用半导体结且不使用再生反馈的建模方法。压控振荡器是通过产生基本上无限的振铃的电路来实现的,而比较器的特性是通过奇数次多项式传递函数获得的。还讨论了比较器,鉴相器,低通滤波器和误差放大器的设计。完整宏模型的性能使得可以在大约15分钟的平台上(例如Sun 3/60或Apollo DN4500)执行8000点仿真,对应于本地振荡器的约150个周期。



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