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Small Business Spotlight: New System Tackles Old Problems


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How does a small capital equipment company operating in a small Italian town near the Slovenian border come up with large technological developments? "The richness of the company is our actual experience in PCB manufacturing," said New System founder and CEO Cesare Fumo. "The problems of manufacturing a PCB have been experienced directly. We've encountered these problems, we've experienced them...." Fumo has a factory floor understanding of these problems. He started New System together with his partner Jozef Vodopivec after spending many years running Spei Orion, a PCB facility 10 kilometers down the road. New System was born because Fumo grew frustrated with the costs and wasted time inherent in Spei Orion's electrical test process. "We were spending a lot of money setting up fixtures. When we started thinking about building machines, our idea was to find a solution that would cut down the time and cost of fixtures," he recalled.
机译:在斯洛文尼亚边境附近的一个意大利小镇上经营的小型资本设备公司如何实现大型技术发展? New System创始人兼首席执行官Cesare Fumo表示:“公司的丰富才是我们在PCB制造方面的实际经验。 “制造PCB的问题已经直接经历过。我们遇到过这些问题,我们也经历过……。” Fumo在工厂车间对这些问题有所了解。在与Spei Orion合作多年之后,他与他的搭档Jozef Vodopivec一起创立了New System,这是一家位于10公里处的PCB设施。新系统的诞生是因为Fumo对Spei Orion的电气测试过程固有的成本和浪费的时间感到沮丧。他回忆说:“我们花了很多钱来安装固定装置。当我们开始考虑建造机器时,我们的想法是找到一种可以减少固定装置时间和成本的解决方案。”



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