首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Assessment of Dioxin Intake from Commercial Baby Food in Infant

Assessment of Dioxin Intake from Commercial Baby Food in Infant


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Commercial baby food was roughly classified into six food groups, including vegetable, fruit, fish, meat, dairy product, and cookie. Dioxin levels in commercial baby food were determined, and dioxin intake in infants was assessed on the basis of the proposed original model food groups. The total daily dioxin intake was 0.070 pg TEQ/kg body weight/day. The total dioxin intake in this study was considerably lower than the Tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 4 pg TEQ/kg body weight/day set by Japanese regulations. The dioxin intake from commercial baby food is considered not to be a serious problem at the moment. We believe that the proposed classification and calculation is suitable for the evaluation of total dioxin intake from commercial baby food.
机译:商业婴儿食品大致分为六类食物,包括蔬菜,水果,鱼,肉,乳制品和饼干。确定了商业婴儿食品中的二恶英含量,并根据拟议的原始模型食品组评估了婴儿的二恶英摄入量。每日总二恶英摄入量为0.070 pg TEQ / kg体重/天。本研究中的二恶英总摄入量大大低于日本法规规定的每日容许摄入量(TDI)4 pg TEQ / kg体重/天。目前,从商业婴儿食品中摄入二恶英并不是一个严重的问题。我们认为,建议的分类和计算方法适合评估商用婴儿食品中二恶英的总摄入量。



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