首页> 外文期刊>Architectural science review >Exploring the effects of daylight and glazing types on self-reported satisfactions and performances: a pilot investigation in an office

Exploring the effects of daylight and glazing types on self-reported satisfactions and performances: a pilot investigation in an office


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This article presents a pilot study of effects of glazing on participants' satisfaction and performance in a full-scale office in Beijing, China. Five glazing systems were tested during a heating season (17 November 2016 to 11 January 2017). Research methods include lighting measurements, subjective assessments, and reaction time test (G0/N0G0). Key findings are given as follows: Daylight illuminances associated with glazing types and times of day play a major role of influencing participants' visual performances, alertness, physical wellbeing, and relaxation. The glazing type and CCT of daylight did not significantly affect visual responses if a proper daylight illuminance can be achieved. Circadian Stimulus (CS) under daylighting varies in times of day and glazing types, which would affect participants' alertness and relaxation. Under varying daylight illuminances, some glazing types that can deliver a higher CCT of light would improve participants' physical comfort and give rise to a longer reaction time.
机译:本文提出了玻璃对中国北京全规模办公室的参与者满意和表现的影响的试验研究。在加热季节测试了五种玻璃系统(2016年11月17日至2017年1月11日)。研究方法包括照明测量,主观评估和反应时间测试(G0 / N0G0)。主要发现如下:与玻璃玻璃类型和日期相关的日光照明发挥了影响参与者的视觉表演,警觉,身体健康和放松的主要作用。如果可以实现适当的日光照度,日光的玻璃型和CCT不会显着影响视觉响应。在日光下的昼夜刺激(CS)在一天中的次数和玻璃类型中变化,这将影响参与者的警觉和放松。在不同的日光照明下,一些可以提供更高CCT光的玻璃类型会改善参与者的身体舒适度,并产生更长的反应时间。



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