首页> 外文期刊>Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing >Crater drilling enhancement obtained in parallel non-collinear double-pulse laser ablation

Crater drilling enhancement obtained in parallel non-collinear double-pulse laser ablation


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In order to investigate the double-pulse ablation mechanism, two parallel but non-collinear laser beams, delayed with respect to each other by 1 μs, were focussed on an aluminium sample, so that a lateral distance of 600 microns exists between the centres of the two craters and no superposition of the laser-ablation zones is present. The use of such configuration results in a signal and in a plasma mass enhancement with respect to the single-pulse case almost equal to that obtained in the double-pulse collinear case. However, such a non-collinear geometry evidences a much more effective drilling of the surface. Such unexpected drilling seems to be related to a hydrodynamic drainage out of aerosol and molten material, hindering its re-deposition in and around the crater. PACS 79.20.Ds - 52.38.Mf - 52.50.Jm - 42.62.Fi
机译:为了研究双脉冲烧蚀机理,将两个相互平行但不共线的,彼此延迟了1μs的激光束聚焦在铝样品上,从而在两个样品中心之间存在600微米的横向距离。两个弹坑,没有激光烧蚀区的重叠。相对于单脉冲情况,这种配置的使用导致信号和等离子体质量的增加几乎等于在双脉冲共线情况下获得的信号和等离子体质量的增加。但是,这种非共线的几何形状表明对表面的钻孔更为有效。这种意外的钻探似乎与气溶胶和熔融物质的流体动力排泄有关,从而阻碍了其在火山口内和火山口附近的重新沉积。 PACS 79.20.Ds-52.38.Mf-52.50.Jm-42.62.Fi



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