首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mobilities >Hackney: a cycling borough for whom?

Hackney: a cycling borough for whom?


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London's internationally acclaimed"cyclingrevolution"wascharacterised by an unprecedented investment in cycling infrastructure, particularly cycle lanes manifesting as Cycle Superhighways or Quietways. Despite the hegemony of cycle lanes in London's overarching cycling paradigm, the London Borough of Hackney has historically achieved the city's highest rates of cycling and a long-standing reputation as a cycling borough in the absence of cycle lanes. Instead, Hackney has always opted for spatial interventions (such as filtered permeability, a borough-wide 20 mph speed restriction, and speed humps).This paper challenges Hackney's reputation as a cycling borough and the alleged success of its spatial interventions. I argue that Hackney's privileging of spatial fixes treats spatial interventions as apolitical and value-neutral, which ignores inequities entrenched in cycling. I also argue that Hackney has taken for granted its high rates of cycling, therefore effectively adopting a cycle-blind (akin to race-blind) and cycle mainstreaming (akin to gender mainstreaming) approach to cycling policy and interventions. Consequently, Hackney's spatial interventions for cycling raise the profile of already-visible privileged cyclists (white, middle-class men - the middle-aged men in Lycra, or MAMILs, and the hipsters) for whom cycling is a lifestyle choice while further erasing "invisible cyclists"for whom cycling is an economic necessity. In order to be a relevant and sustainable mode of transportation for Hackney residents, equity and social justice must foreground the borough's approach to cycling.
机译:伦敦在国际上享有盛誉的“自行车革命”的特征是对自行车基础设施进行了空前的投资,特别是表现为“自行车高速公路”或“安静路”的自行车道。尽管伦敦自行车道占主导地位的自行车道霸权主义,但伦敦哈克尼自治市镇历来实现了全市最高的自行车率,并在没有自行车道的情况下长期保持着自行车道的美誉。取而代之的是,哈克尼一直选择进行空间干预(例如过滤通透性,全市镇每小时20英里的速度限制和速度驼峰),这对哈克尼作为自行车自治市的声誉及其空间干预的成功性提出了挑战。我认为哈克尼(Hackney)对空间定位的特权将空间干预视为非政治性和价值中立的,而忽略了在自行车运动中根深蒂固的不平等现象。我还认为,哈克尼(Hackney)认为其高骑自行车率是理所当然的,因此有效地采用了对自行车政策和干预措施采用盲目(类似于种族盲目)和周期主流化(类似于性别主流化)的方法。因此,哈克尼(Hackney)对自行车的空间干预措施提高了已经可见的特权自行车手的形象(白人,中产阶级男人-莱卡或MAMIL的中年男人以及行家),对于他们来说,骑自行车是一种生活方式,同时可以进一步消除“ “隐形自行车手”对于他们来说,经济上是必须的。为了成为哈克尼居民的一种相关且可持续的交通方式,公平和社会正义必须成为该市镇骑自行车的方法的前途。



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