首页> 外文期刊>American journal of enology & viticulture >Characterization and Classification of Turkish Wines Based on Elemental Composition

Characterization and Classification of Turkish Wines Based on Elemental Composition


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Commercial wines from 13 native and nonnative varieties in Turkey were analyzed for their elemental composition. Wines from four vintages (2006-2009) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectrometry and mass spectroscopy (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) followed by multivariate statistics to study vintage, varietal, and regional differences. According to the partial least squares-discriminant analysis, wines from western regions could be discriminated with their higher Pb content. The red wines of two native grapes, Bogazkere and OEkuezgoezue, were separated from the remaining varieties based on their high Ca and low B and Cu levels. OEkuezgoezue wines were different from Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon wines. Similarly, native Emir wines showed differences from Muscat wines. The effective variables for discrimination analysis were natural minerals (Sr, Li, Al, Ba, and B) and minerals originating from agricultural activities, processing, or pollution (Ca, Cu, Mg, Co, Pb, and Ni). Characteristics of Turkish wines from native and nonnative grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Chardonnay were defined in terms of their mineral content for the first time.
机译:分析了来自土耳其13个本地和非本地品种的商品酒的元素组成。通过电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法和质谱法(ICP-AES和ICP-MS)对四个年份(2006-2009年)的葡萄酒进行分析,然后进行多元统计以研究年份,品种和地区差异。根据偏最小二乘判别分析,可以将西部地区的葡萄酒与较高的Pb含量区分开。根据其高Ca含量和低B和Cu含量,将两种原生葡萄的红酒Bogazkere和OEkuezgoezue与其余品种分开。 OEkuezgoezue葡萄酒不同于Syrah和Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄酒。同样,当地的埃米尔(Emir)葡萄酒与马斯喀特(Muscat)葡萄酒也有差异。判别分析的有效变量是天然矿物(Sr,Li,Al,Ba和B)和源自农业活动,加工或污染的矿物(Ca,Cu,Mg,Co,Pb和Ni)。首次根据矿物质含量定义了来自本地和非本地葡萄品种(如赤霞珠,梅洛,西拉和霞多丽)的土耳其葡萄酒的特征。



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