首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Knight: Nemesis from the Chicago School

Knight: Nemesis from the Chicago School


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How should one assess Frank Knight's objections against the single tax? His objection against the practical feasibility of the taxation of land value certainly requires attention. But economists have suggested solutions to many of the practical problems of taxing land value. Although it needs to be tested whether these solutions are feasible in practice, it would be premature at this point to reject land-value taxation purely on practical grounds. Imagine a proposal to introduce a sales tax or a capital gains tax if no such taxes had ever been levied. The amount of information that needs to be gathered to implement such taxes would seem (and is) enormous, and the possibilities to evade these taxes would seem (and are) high enough to require highly intrusive enforcement activities. In addition, such taxes lead to an inefficient allocation of resources by distorting people's incentives. In comparison, the practical difficulties of levying a nondistortive tax on visible and immobile land seem rather small. We do not find any of Frank Knight's theoretical objections against the single tax compelling. The only objection that we cannot dismiss is the possibility that the single tax may provide funds to and thereby increase the power of nonbenevolent governments. Even though Knight did not explicitly raise this objection, his writings suggest that it may have been on his mind. But this objection applies to every tax, and the possibility that governments might abuse the levied funds is one of the costs of permitting governments to correct market inefficiencies through taxation. A society must decide whether this cost outweighs the expected benefit of government action.
机译:应该如何评估弗兰克·奈特(Frank Knight)对单一税的反对意见?他对征税土地价格的实际可行性的反对意见当然值得关注。但是,经济学家已经提出了解决许多征税土地价值的实际问题的解决方案。尽管需要测试这些解决方案在实践中是否可行,但现在纯粹基于实际理由拒绝土地增值税是为时过早的。想象一下如果没有征收过营业税或资本利得税的提议。实施此类税收需要收集的信息量看起来(并且是巨大的),而逃避这些税收的可能性似乎(并且足够)高,需要进行高度侵入性的执法活动。此外,此类税收通过扭曲人们的动机导致资源分配效率低下。相比之下,对可见的和不动的土地征收非扭曲性税收的实际困难似乎很小。我们没有发现弗兰克·奈特(Frank Knight)对单一税收强制措施的任何理论异议。我们不能驳回的唯一反对意见是,单一税有可能向非慈善政府提供资金,从而增加非慈善政府的权力。即使Knight并未明确提出反对意见,但他的著作表明,他可能已经想到了这一反对意见。但是,这种反对意见适用于每一种税收,政府滥用税收的可能性是允许政府通过税收纠正市场效率低下的成本之一。一个社会必须决定这一成本是否超过政府行动的预期收益。



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