
Learning Joint Structure for Human Pose Estimation


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Recently, tremendous progress has been achieved on human pose estimation with the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, current methods still suffer from severe occlusion, back view, and large pose variation due to the lack of consideration of the spatial relationship between different joints, which can provide strong cues for localizing the hidden keypoints. In this work, we design a Structural Pose Network (SPN) to take full advantage of joint structure for human pose estimation under unconstrained environment. Specifically, the proposed model is composed of two subnets: Structure Residual Network (SRN) and Structure Improving Network (SIN). Given an input image, SRN first captures rich joint structure as priors through a multi-branch feature extraction module, following a hourglass network with pyramid residual units to enlarge the receptive field and further obtain structural feature representations. SIN, based on coordinate regression, can optimize the spatial relationship of different joints via the attention mechanism, thus refining the initial prediction from SRN. In addition, we propose a novel structure-consistency constraint, which can maintain the structural consistency between the joints and body parts via estimating whether the joints are located in their corresponding parts. At the same time, an online hard regions mining (OHRM) strategy is introduced to drive the network to pay corresponding attention to different body parts. The experimental results on three challenging datasets show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms.



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