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Marine macroalgae as sources of protein and bioactive compounds in feed for monogastric animals




Marine macroalgae are considered as promising sustainable alternatives to conventional terrestrial animal feed resources. The advantages include high growth rate, potential cultivation in saltwater, and no occupation of arable land. Macroalgae are broadly classified as brown (Phaeophyta), red (Rhodophyta) and green (Chlorophyta) algae, and are a diverse group of marine organisms. The nutritional value of macroalgae is highly variable. The protein and essential amino acid content can be low, especially in brown species, and indigestible polysaccharides adversely affect the energy value. Optimal use of macroalgae in feeds requires suitable processing, and biorefinery approaches may increase protein content and improve nutrient availability. Macroalgae are rich in unique bioactive components and there is a growing interest in the potentially beneficial health effects of compounds such as laminarin and fucoidan in different macroalgal and macroalgal products. This review summarizes current literature on different aspects of the use of macroalgae as sources of protein and health‐promoting bioactive compounds in feed for monogastric animal species. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
机译:海洋大型藻类被认为是常规陆生动物饲料资源的有希望的可持续替代品。优点包括高增长率,在盐水中的潜在种植以及不占用耕地。大型藻类大致分为棕色(Phaeophyta),红色(Rhodophyta)和绿色(Chlorophyta)藻类,并且是各种各样的海洋生物。大型藻类的营养价值是高度可变的。蛋白质和必需氨基酸含量可能较低,尤其是在棕色物种中,难消化的多糖对能量值产生不利影响。饲料中大型藻类的最佳使用需要适当的加工,而生物精炼方法可能会增加蛋白质含量并改善养分利用率。大型藻类富含独特的生物活性成分,并且人们对不同的大型藻类和大型藻类产品中诸如laminarin和岩藻依聚糖等化合物的潜在有益健康影响越来越感兴趣。这篇综述总结了当前关于单藻动物饲料中使用大型藻类作为蛋白质和促进健康的生物活性化合物来源的不同方面的文献。 ©2018作者。 John Wiley&Sons Ltd代表化学工业协会出版的《粮食与农业科学杂志》。



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