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An open-source remote heart rate imaging method with practical apparatus and algorithms




Recent developments in computer science and digital image processing have enabled the extraction of an individual’s heart pulsations from pixel changes in recorded video images of human skin surfaces. This method is termed remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) and can be achieved with consumer-level cameras (e.g., a webcam or mobile camera). The goal of the present publication is two-fold. First, we aim to organize future rPPG software developments in a tractable and nontechnical manner, such that the public gains access to a basic open-source rPPG code, comes to understand its utility, and can follow its most recent progressions. The second goal is to investigate rPPG’s accuracy in detecting heart rates from the skin surfaces of several body parts after physical exercise and under ambient lighting conditions with a consumer-level camera. We report that rPPG is highly accurate when the camera is aimed at facial skin tissue, but that the heart rate recordings from wrist regions are less reliable, and recordings from the calves are unreliable. Facial rPPG remained accurate despite the high heart rates after exercise. The proposed research procedures and the experimental findings provide guidelines for future studies on rPPG.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.3758/s13428-019-01256-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
机译:计算机科学和数字图像处理的最新发展已使人们能够从人类皮肤表面录制的视频图像中的像素变化中提取个人的心脏搏动。此方法称为远程光电容积描记术(rPPG),可以使用消费级相机(例如网络摄像头或移动相机)实现。本出版物的目标是双重的。首先,我们旨在以一种易于处理且非技术性的方式来组织未来的rPPG软件开发,以使公众获得基本的开源rPPG代码的使用权,了解其实用性并可以跟踪其最新进展。第二个目标是调查rPPG在体育锻炼后和在环境照明条件下使用消费级相机从多个身体部位皮肤表面检测心律的准确性。我们报告说,当相机对准面部皮肤组织时,rPPG的准确性很高,但是腕部区域的心率记录不太可靠,小腿的记录也不可靠。尽管运动后心跳加快,面部rPPG仍然准确。拟议的研究程序和实验结果为rPPG的进一步研究提供了指导。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.3758 / s13428-019-01256-8)包含补充材料,授权用户可以使用。



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