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Perineuronal net digestion with chondroitinase restores memory in mice with tau pathology




Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent tauopathy and cause of dementia. We investigate the hypothesis that reactivation of plasticity can restore function in the presence of neuronal damage resulting from tauopathy. We investigated two models with tau hyperphosphorylation, aggregation and neurodegeneration: a transgenic mouse model in which the mutant P301S tau is expressed in neurons (Tg P301S), and a model in which an adeno-associated virus expressing P301S tau (AAV-P301S) was injected in the perirhinal cortex, a region critical for object recognition (OR) memory. Both models show profound loss of OR memory despite only 15% neuronal loss in the Tg P301S and 26% in AAV-P301S-injected mice. Recordings from perirhinal cortex slices of 3 month-old P301S transgenic mice showed a diminution in synaptic transmission following temporal stimulation. Chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) can reactivate plasticity and affect memory through actions on perineuronal nets. ChABC was injected into the perirhinal cortex and animals were tested for OR memory 1 week later, demonstrating restoration of OR memory to normal levels. Synaptic transmission indicated by fEPSP amplitude was restored to control levels following ChABC treatment. ChABC did not affect the progression of neurodegenerative tauopathy. These findings suggest that increasing plasticity by manipulation of perineuronal nets offers a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of memory loss in neurodegenerative disorders.
机译:阿尔茨海默氏病是最普遍的tauopathy和痴呆症的原因。我们调查的假说,可塑性的重新激活可以在存在由tauopathy引起的神经元损害的情况下恢复功能。我们研究了两种具有tau过度磷酸化,聚集和神经变性的模型:一种转基因小鼠模型,其中突变型P301S tau在神经元中表达(Tg P301S),另一种模型是表达P301S tau的腺相关病毒(AAV-P301S)。注入周围神经皮层,这是对对象识别(OR)记忆至关重要的区域。尽管在Tg P301S中只有15%的神经元丢失,在注射AAV-P301S的小鼠中只有26%的神经元丢失,但这两种模型都显示出OR记忆的严重丧失。 3个月大的P301S转基因小鼠的腹膜皮质切片的记录显示,短暂刺激后突触传递减少。软骨素酶ABC(ChABC)可以通过作用于神经周围神经网上来重新激活可塑性并影响记忆。将ChABC注射到周围神经皮层,并在1周后对动物进行OR记忆力测试,这表明OR记忆力已恢复到正常水平。在ChABC治疗后,以fEPSP幅度表示的突触传递恢复到对照水平。 ChABC不会影响神经退行性牛磺酸病的进展。这些发现表明,通过操纵神经周神经网来增加可塑性为神经退行性疾病的记忆丧失提供了一种新颖的治疗方法。



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