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An isothermal shift assay for proteome scale drug-target identification




Representative vehicle and drug thermal gradient curves indicating the shift in apparent upon drug binding, as measured by TPP (ΔX), and the detection of a shift in the melting curves by measurement of differential protein solubility by iTSA (ΔY). Distribution of Savitski et al . K562 proteome (  = 5985) and staurosporine target data (  = 60) is shown. The first and third quartiles of are delimited by the box, and the median is indicated as the horizontal line within the box. Notches extend to ±1.58 IQR/sqrt(n), where IQR indicates the interquartile range, and whiskers delimit the last data points within 1.5-fold of the IQR. Volcano plot visualization of iTSA staurosporine targets from K562 cell lysates, performed at 52 °C using 20 μM staurosporine. -value = 0.001 is indicated by a solid horizontal line. Histogram of the number of significant staurosporine targets identified by iTSA 52 °C, TPP from Savitski et al. and in house (Ball-Webb) TPP. Targets are categorized as a kinases or ATP-binding protein, or as Other when not annotated as a kinase or ATP-binding protein.
机译:代表性的赋形剂和药物热梯度曲线表示通过TPP(ΔX)测定的药物结合时的表观位移,以及通过iTSA(ΔY)测定的蛋白质溶解度差异来检测解链曲线的位移。 Savitski等人的分布。显示了K562蛋白质组(= 5985)和星形孢菌素目标数据(= 60)。的第一个和第三个四分位数由方框界定,中位数表示为方框内的水平线。刻痕扩展到±1.58 IQR / sqrt(n),其中IQR表示四分位数范围,而晶须将最后的数据点界定在IQR的1.5倍之内。在52 C下使用20μmM星形孢菌素对来自K562细胞裂解液的iTSA星形孢菌素靶标进行火山图可视化。 -值= 0.001用实水平线表示。通过iTSA 52°C,Savitski等人的TPP鉴定的重要星形孢菌素靶标数量的直方图。和内部(Ball-Webb)TPP。目标分类为激酶或ATP结合蛋白,或未标记为激酶或ATP结合蛋白时归为“其他”。



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