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Behavior Analysis and Ecological Psychology: Past Present and Future. A Review of Harry Hefts Ecological Psychology in Context




Relations between behavior analysis and ecological psychology have been strained for years, notwithstanding the occasional comment on their affinities. Harry Ecological Psychology in Context provides an occasion for reviewing anew those relations and affinities. It describes the genesis of ecological psychology in James's radical empiricism; addresses Holt's neorealism and Gestalt psychology; and synthesizes Gibson's ecological psychology and Barker's ecobehavioral science as a means for understanding everyday human behavior. Although behavior analysis is excluded from this account, Heft's book warrants a review nonetheless: It describes ecological psychology in ways that are congruent and complementary with behavior analysis (e.g., nonmediational theorizing; the provinces of natural history and natural science). After introducing modern ecological psychology, I comment on (a) Heft's admirable, albeit selective, historiography; (b) his ecological psychology—past and present—as it relates to Skinner's science and system (e.g., affordances, molar behavior); (c) his misunderstandings of Skinner's behaviorism (e.g., reductionistic, mechanistic, molecular); and (d) the theoretical status of Heft's cognitive terms and talk (i.e., in ontology, epistemology, syntax). I conclude by considering the alliance and integration of ecological psychology and behavior analysis, and their implications for unifying and transforming psychology as a life science, albeit more for the future than at present.
机译:行为分析和生态心理学之间的关系已经紧张了多年,尽管偶尔对其亲和力有所评论。语境中的哈里生态心理学为重新审视这些关系和亲缘关系提供了机会。它描述了詹姆斯激进经验主义中生态心理学的起源;解决霍尔特的新现实主义和格式塔心理学;并综合了吉布森的生态心理学和巴克的生态行为科学,作为理解人类日常行为的一种手段。尽管行为分析不包括在本报告中,但Heft的书值得回顾:它以与行为分析一致和互补的方式描述了生态心理学(例如非中介理论;自然历史和自然科学的省份)。在介绍了现代生态心理学之后,我对(a)Heft令人钦佩的,有选择性的史学进行了评论; (b)他的生态心理学(过去和现在),因为它与Skinner的科学和系统有关(例如,馈赠,磨牙行为); (c)对Skinner行为主义的误解(例如还原论,机制论,分子论); (d)Heft认知术语和言语的理论地位(即在本体论,认识论,句法方面)。最后,我考虑了生态心理学与行为分析的联盟和整合,以及它们对于统一和转变心理学作为生命科学的意义,尽管对未来的影响要大于当前。



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