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Sickle Cell Trait from a Metabolic Renal and Vascular Perspective: Linking History Knowledge and Health




Sickle cell trait (SCT) is at the intersection of genetics, social policy, and medicine. SCT occurs in three-hundred million people worldwide and in approximately 8 % of African-Americans. There has been great debate about the influence of SCT on health. Yet data exist, albeit controversial, which suggest that SCT is associated with metabolic derangements that can lead to sudden death after vigorous physical activity, renal dysfunction, thromboembolic events, and stroke. In addition, it has even been postulated that SCT might enhance the vascular complications of diabetes. This review focuses on (a) the scientific breakthroughs that led to the discovery of hemoglobin S, sickle cell disease, and SCT, (b) the history of screening programs in the United States, (c) the incidence and etiology of exercise-related sudden death in military personnel and athletes with SCT, and (d) the data examining the potential chronic disease consequences of SCT from a metabolic, renal, and vascular perspective.
机译:镰状细胞性状(SCT)是遗传学,社会政策和医学的交集。 SCT发生在全球三亿人口中,约有8%的非洲裔美国人如此。关于SCT对健康的影响,已经有很多争论。尽管存在争议,但仍然存在数据,这表明SCT与代谢紊乱有关,代谢紊乱可能导致剧烈的体育活动,肾功能不全,血栓栓塞性事件和中风后猝死。此外,甚至有人推测SCT可能会增加糖尿病的血管并发症。这篇综述的重点是(a)导致发现血红蛋白S,镰状细胞病和SCT的科学突破;(b)美国筛查计划的历史;(c)与运动有关的发病率和病因患有SCT的军事人员和运动员突然死亡,以及(d)从代谢,肾脏和血管角度检查SCT潜在慢性疾病后果的数据。



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