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Multilevel Modelling with Spatial Interaction Effects with Application to an Emerging Land Market in Beijing China




This paper develops a methodology for extending multilevel modelling to incorporate spatial interaction effects. The motivation is that classic multilevel models are not specifically spatial. Lower level units may be nested into higher level ones based on a geographical hierarchy (or a membership structure—for example, census zones into regions) but the actual locations of the units and the distances between them are not directly considered: what matters is the groupings but not how close together any two units are within those groupings. As a consequence, spatial interaction effects are neither modelled nor measured, confounding group effects (understood as some sort of contextual effect that acts ‘top down’ upon members of a group) with proximity effects (some sort of joint dependency that emerges between neighbours). To deal with this, we incorporate spatial simultaneous autoregressive processes into both the outcome variable and the higher level residuals. To assess the performance of the proposed method and the classic multilevel model, a series of Monte Carlo simulations are conducted. The results show that the proposed method performs well in retrieving the true model parameters whereas the classic multilevel model provides biased and inefficient parameter estimation in the presence of spatial interactions. An important implication of the study is to be cautious of an apparent neighbourhood effect in terms of both its magnitude and statistical significance if spatial interaction effects at a lower level are suspected. Applying the new approach to a two-level land price data set for Beijing, China, we find significant spatial interactions at both the land parcel and district levels.
机译:本文开发了一种方法,用于扩展多级建模以合并空间交互作用。其动机是经典的多级模型不是专门针对空间的。可以根据地理层次结构(或成员资格结构,例如人口普查区域划分为区域)将较低级别的单元嵌套到较高级别的单元中,但是不直接考虑单元的实际位置及其之间的距离:重要的是分组,而不是两个分组之间的紧密程度。结果,既没有建立模型也没有测量空间相互作用的效果,混淆了群体效应(被理解为某种“自上而下”作用于群体成员的背景效应)与邻近效应(某种在邻居之间出现的联合依赖) 。为了解决这个问题,我们将空间同时自回归过程合并到结果变量和更高级别的残差中。为了评估所提出的方法和经典多级模型的性能,进行了一系列的蒙特卡洛模拟。结果表明,所提出的方法在检索真实模型参数方面表现良好,而经典的多级模型在存在空间相互作用的情况下提供了有偏差且效率低下的参数估计。如果怀疑存在较低水平的空间相互作用,则研究的一个重要含义是应从其数量级和统计意义上谨慎对待明显的邻里效应。将新方法应用于中国北京的两级土地价格数据集,我们发现在地块和地区两级都有显着的空间相互作用。



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