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The Gradience of Multilingualism in Typical and Impaired Language Development: Positioning Bilectalism within Comparative Bilingualism




A multitude of factors characterizes bi- and multilingual compared to monolingual language acquisition. Two of the most prominent viewpoints have recently been put in perspective and enriched by a third (Tsimpli, ): age of onset of children's exposure to their native languages, the role of the input they receive, and the timing in monolingual first language development of the phenomena examined in bi- and multilingual children's performance. This article picks up a fourth potential factor (Grohmann, ): language proximity, that is, the closeness between the two or more grammars a multilingual child acquires. It is a first attempt to flesh out the proposed gradient scale of multilingualism within the approach dubbed “comparative bilingualism.” The empirical part of this project comes from three types of research: (i) the acquisition and subsequent development of pronominal object clitic placement in two closely related varieties of Greek by bilectal, binational, bilingual, and multilingual children; (ii) the performance on executive control tasks by monolingual, bilectal, and bi- or multilingual children; and (iii) the role of comparative bilingualism in children with a developmental language impairment for both the diagnosis and subsequent treatment as well as the possible avoidance or weakening of how language impairment presents.
机译:与单语种语言习得相比,双语和多语种特征众多。最近已经提出了两种最突出的观点,并通过第三种观点得到了充实(Tsimpli,):儿童接触母语的年龄,所接受的输入的作用以及在开发单语第一语言时的时机。在双语和多语言儿童的表现中检验的现象。本文介绍了第四个潜在因素(Grohmann,):语言接近度,即多语言儿童获得的两个或多个语法之间的接近度。这是在被称为“比较双语”的方法中充实拟议的多语言梯度等级的首次尝试。该项目的经验部分来自三种类型的研究:(i)由双向,双向,双语和多语言儿童在两个紧密相关的希腊语种中获取和随后发展代词对象气候放置; (ii)单语,双语,双语或多语儿童在执行控制任务上的表现; (iii)比较双语论在患有发育性语言障碍的儿童中对诊断和后续治疗的作用,以及可能避免或减弱语言障碍的表现。



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