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Probabilistic models of individual and collective animal behavior




Recent developments in automated tracking allow uninterrupted, high-resolution recording of animal trajectories, sometimes coupled with the identification of stereotyped changes of body pose or other behaviors of interest. Analysis and interpretation of such data represents a challenge: the timing of animal behaviors may be stochastic and modulated by kinematic variables, by the interaction with the environment or with the conspecifics within the animal group, and dependent on internal cognitive or behavioral state of the individual. Existing models for collective motion typically fail to incorporate the discrete, stochastic, and internal-state-dependent aspects of behavior, while models focusing on individual animal behavior typically ignore the spatial aspects of the problem. Here we propose a probabilistic modeling framework to address this gap. Each animal can switch stochastically between different behavioral states, with each state resulting in a possibly different law of motion through space. Switching rates for behavioral transitions can depend in a very general way, which we seek to identify from data, on the effects of the environment as well as the interaction between the animals. We represent the switching dynamics as a Generalized Linear Model and show that: (i) forward simulation of multiple interacting animals is possible using a variant of the Gillespie’s Stochastic Simulation Algorithm; (ii) formulated properly, the maximum likelihood inference of switching rate functions is tractably solvable by gradient descent; (iii) model selection can be used to identify factors that modulate behavioral state switching and to appropriately adjust model complexity to data. To illustrate our framework, we apply it to two synthetic models of animal motion and to real zebrafish tracking data.
机译:自动跟踪的最新进展允许对动物轨迹进行不间断的高分辨率记录,有时还可以识别对人体姿势或其他感兴趣行为的刻板印象。对此类数据的分析和解释是一个挑战:动物行为的时机可能是随机的,并且受运动变量的影响,与环境或动物群内特定物种之间的相互作用以及取决于个体的内部认知或行为状态的调控。现有的集体运动模型通常无法将行为的离散性,随机性和内部状态相关性纳入其中,而侧重于单个动物行为的模型通常会忽略问题的空间性。在这里,我们提出了一个概率建模框架来解决这一差距。每只动物都可以在不同的行为状态之间随机切换,每种状态都可能导致空间运动规律不同。行为转变的转换率可能会以非常笼统的方式决定,我们试图从数据中识别出来的方式取决于环境的影响以及动物之间的相互作用。我们将开关动力学表示为广义线性模型,并证明:(i)使用吉莱斯皮随机模拟算法的变体,可以对多个相互作用的动物进行正向仿真; (ii)制定得当,开关速率函数的最大似然推断可通过梯度下降解决。 (iii)模型选择可用于识别调节行为状态转换的因素,并适当地调整数据的模型复杂性。为了说明我们的框架,我们将其应用于两种动物运动综合模型以及真实的斑马鱼跟踪数据。



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