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Video Games for Well-Being: A Systematic Review on the Application of Computer Games for Cognitive and Emotional Training in the Adult Population




>Background: Although several excellent reviews and meta-analyses have investigated the effect of video game trainings as tools to enhance well-being, most of them specifically focused on the effects of digital games on brain plasticity or cognitive decline in children and seniors. On the contrary, only one meta-analysis results to be focused on the adult population, and it is restricted to examining the effects of training with a particular genre of games (action video games) on cognitive skills of healthy adults.>Objectives: This systematic review was aimed to identify research evidences about the impact on cognitive [i.e., processing and reaction times (RTs), memory, task-switching/multitasking, and mental spatial rotation] and emotional skills of video games training in the healthy adult population.>Methods: A multi-component analysis of variables related to the study, the video games, and the outcomes of the training was made on the basis of important previous works. Databases used in the search were PsycINFO, Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), PubMed, and Scopus. The search string was: [(“Video Games” OR “Computer Games” OR “Interactive Gaming”)] AND [(“Cognition”) OR (“Cognitive”) OR (“Emotion”) OR (“Emotion Regulation”)] AND [“Training”].>Results: Thirty-five studies met the inclusion criteria and were further classified into the different analysis' variables. The majority of the retrieved studies used commercial video games, and action games in particular, which resulted to be the most commonly used, closely followed by puzzle games. Effect sizes for training with video games on cognitive skills in general ranged from 0.06 to 3.43: from 0.141 to 3.43 for processing and RTs, 0.06 to 1.82 for memory, 0.54 to 1.91 for task switching/multitasking, and 0.3 to 3.2 for mental spatial rotation; regarding video games for the training of emotional skills, effect sizes ranged from 0.201 to 3.01.>Conclusion: Overall, findings give evidences of benefits of video games training on cognitive and emotional skills in relation to the healthy adult population, especially on young adults. Efficacy has been demonstrated not only for non-commercial video games or commercial brain-training programs, but for commercial video games as well.
机译:>背景:尽管一些出色的评论和荟萃分析已经调查了视频游戏培训作为增强幸福感的工具的效果,但其中大多数都专门针对数字游戏对大脑可塑性或认知能力下降的影响在儿童和老年人中。相反,只有一项荟萃分析的结果集中在成年人口上,并且仅限于检验特定类型的游戏(动作视频游戏)训练对健康成年人的认知技能的影响。>目标::这项系统的审查旨在确定研究证据,这些证据对认知的影响[即,处理和反应时间(RT),记忆力,任务切换/多任务处理和心理空间旋转]和视频游戏培训的情感技巧>方法:在先前的重要工作的基础上,对与研究,视频游戏和培训结果相关的变量进行了多成分分析。搜索中使用的数据库是PsycINFO,Web of Science(知识网络),PubMed和Scopus。搜索字符串为:[(“视频游戏”或“计算机游戏”或“互动游戏”)]和[(“认知”)或(“认知”)或(“情感”)或(“情感法规”)]] AND [“培训”]。>结果:有35项研究符合纳入标准,并进一步分为不同的分析变量。检索到的大多数研究都使用商业视频游戏,尤其是动作游戏,从而成为最常用的游戏,其次是益智游戏。电子游戏训练对认知技能的影响大小通常为0.06至3.43:处理和RT的影响范围为0.141至3.43,记忆的范围为0.06至1.82,任务切换/多任务的范围为0.54至1.91,心理空间旋转的范围为0.3至3.2 ;关于用于情感技能训练的视频游戏,效果大小范围为0.201至3.01。>结论:总体而言,研究结果提供了视频游戏培训对健康成年人群的认知和情感技能的好处的证据。 ,尤其是年轻人。不仅对于非商业视频游戏或商业脑训练程序已经证明了功效,而且对于商业视频游戏也已经证明了这种效果。



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