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Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Metacognitive Knowledge of Learning Strategies




Research in cognitive psychology has suggested that difficulties are often desirable for learning: learning strategies that create difficulties for learners during practice often produce durable learning. Prominent examples of effective learning strategies that introduce desirable difficulties are testing as a means of learning, spacing study sessions over time, and interleaving practice of different topics. Previous research has suggested that, generally, undergraduates’ metacognitive knowledge about the effectiveness of these learning strategies is inaccurate. The goal of the current study was to extend the examination of metacognitive knowledge of learning strategies to pre-service and in-service teachers, and further examine whether teachers’ metacognitive knowledge is related to their teaching experience. Pre-service teachers enrolled in a university teacher training program (N = 83) and in-service elementary, junior-high, and high school teachers (N = 82) were presented with learning scenarios and predicted which of two learning strategies would yield the better outcome. Results suggested that, overall, both pre-service and in-service teachers failed to predict the advantages of testing, spacing, and interleaving as learning strategies. Furthermore, their knowledge of learning strategies failed to increase with teaching experience. It is, therefore, recommended that explicit instruction about the benefits of empirically supported learning strategies should be included in teacher training and development programs.
机译:认知心理学方面的研究表明,学习常常需要困难:在练习过程中给学习者带来困难的学习策略通常会产生持久的学习效果。有效学习策略引入了预期的困难的突出例子是测试作为一种学习手段,随着时间的推移间隔学习时间以及对不同主题进行交错练习。先前的研究表明,通常,大学生对这些学习策略的有效性的元认知知识是不准确的。本研究的目的是将学习策略的元认知知识的研究扩展到职前和在职教师,并进一步检验教师的元认知知识是否与他们的教学经验有关。参加大学教师培训计划的在职教师(N = 83)和在职的小学,初中和高中教师(N = 82)被提供了学习场景,并预测了两种学习策略中的哪一种会产生更好的结果。结果表明,总体而言,职前和在职教师都无法预测测试,间隔和交织作为学习策略的优势。此外,他们的学习策略知识并没有随着教学经验的增加而增加。因此,建议在教师培训和发展计划中包括关于有经验支持的学习策略的益处的明确指导。



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