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Phylogenetic Analysis and Rapid Identification of the Whitefly Bemisia afer in China




The phylogenetic relationship between the whitefly Bemisia afer (Priesner & Hosny) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from China and other populations among the world were analyzed based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene. Phylogenetic analysis of mtCOI sequences and those of reference B. afer sequences showed that the populations of the species could be separated into 5 clades (I–V). There were at least two clades of the species from China (IV and V). These data suggested that B. afer might be a species complex. The Chinese B. afer populations were most divergent with B. afer from the United Kingdom and African countries. The distance between the Chinese B. afer (IV and V) and clades I, II, and III is more than 32%, while the distance among clades I, II, III is lower than 7.7%. A new set of primers specific to B. afer was designed to amplify a region of approximately 400 bp to discriminate B. afer from other Bemisia species in China based on mtCOI sequences.
机译:基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶I(mtCOI)基因,分析了中国粉虱烟粉虱(Priesner&Hosny)(半翅目:Aleyrodidae)与世界其他人群之间的系统发生关系。对mtCOI序列和参照B. afer序列进行的系统进化分析表明,该物种的种群可分为5个进化枝(IV)。至少有两个来自中国的物种进化枝(IV和V)。这些数据表明,枯草芽孢杆菌可能是一个物种复合体。中国B. afer人群与英国和非洲国家的B. afer差异最大。中华B(IV和V)与I,II和III进化枝之间的距离超过32%,而I,II,III进化枝之间的距离低于7.7%。设计了一组新的特异芽孢杆菌引物,以扩增约400 bp的区域,从而基于mtCOI序列将特异芽孢杆菌与中国其他Bemisia物种区分开。



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