首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Poultry Science >Editors Choice: Cryopreservation of specialized chicken lines using cultured primordial germ cells

Editors Choice: Cryopreservation of specialized chicken lines using cultured primordial germ cells




Biosecurity and sustainability in poultry production requires reliable germplasm conservation. Germplasm conservation in poultry is more challenging in comparison to other livestock species. Embryo cryopreservation is not feasible for egg-laying animals, and chicken semen conservation has variable success for different chicken breeds. A potential solution is the cryopreservation of the committed diploid stem cell precursors to the gametes, the primordial germ cells (>PGCs). Primordial germ cells are the lineage-restricted cells found at early embryonic stages in birds and form the sperm and eggs. We demonstrate here, using flocks of partially inbred, lower-fertility, major histocompatibility complex- (>MHC-) restricted lines of chicken, that we can easily derive and cryopreserve a sufficient number of independent lines of male and female PGCs that would be sufficient to reconstitute a poultry breed. We demonstrate that germ-line transmission can be attained from these PGCs using a commercial layer line of chickens as a surrogate host. This research is a major step in developing and demonstrating that cryopreserved PGCs could be used for the biobanking of specialized flocks of birds used in research settings. The prospective application of this technology to poultry production will further increase sustainability to meet current and future production needs.
机译:家禽生产中的生物安全性和可持续性需要可靠的种质保护。与其他牲畜物种相比,家禽的种质保护更具挑战性。胚胎冷冻保存对产卵动物不可行,而鸡精液保存对于不同鸡种的成功率也各不相同。潜在的解决方案是将二倍体干细胞前体冷冻保存到配子,即原始生殖细胞(> PGCs )。原始生殖细胞是鸟类早期胚胎阶段发现的受谱系限制的细胞,形成精子和卵。我们在这里证明,使用部分自交,低繁殖力,主要组织相容性复合体(> MHC-)鸡的受限品系的鸡群,我们可以轻松地获得并冻存足够数量的雄性和雌性独立系。雌性PGC,足以重建家禽品种。我们证明,可以使用商业化的鸡作为替代宿主品系从这些PGC中获得种系传播。这项研究是开发和证明冷冻保存的PGC可用于研究环境中的特种禽类生物库的重要一步。这项技术在家禽生产中的潜在应用将进一步提高可持续性,以满足当前和未来的生产需求。



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