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Motor Skill Learning Depends on Protein Synthesis in Motor Cortex after Training




The role of protein synthesis in memory consolidation is well established for hippocampus-dependent learning and synaptic plasticity. Whether protein synthesis is required for motor skill learning is unknown. We hypothesized that skill learning is interrupted by protein synthesis inhibition (PSI). We intended to test whether local protein synthesis in motor cortex or cerebellum is required during skill acquisition and consolidation. Anisomycin (ANI; 100 μg/μl in 1 μl of PBS) injected into motor cortex, posterior parietal cortex, or cerebellum produced 84.0 ± 1.44% (mean ± SEM), 85.9 ± 2.31%, and 87.3 ± 0.17% of PSI 60 min after administration, respectively. In motor cortex, protein synthesis was still reduced at 24 hr (72.0 ± 4.68% PSI) but normalized at 48 hr after a second injection given 24 hr after the first. To test for the effects of PSI on learning of a skilled reaching task, ANI was injected into motor cortex contralateral to the trained limb or into ipsilateral cerebellum immediately after daily training sessions 1 and 2. Two control groups received motor cortex injections of vehicle or ANI injections into contralateral parietal cortex. Control and cerebellar animals showed a sigmoid learning curve, which plateaued after day 4. PSI in motor cortex significantly reduced learning during days 1-4. Thereafter, when protein synthesis normalized, learning was reinitiated. ANI injections into motor cortex did not induce a motor deficit, because animals injected during the performance plateau did not deteriorate. This demonstrates that motor skill learning depends on de novo synthesis of proteins in motor cortex after training.
机译:对于海马依赖性学习和突触可塑性,蛋白质合成在记忆巩固中的作用已得到充分确立。运动技能学习是否需要蛋白质合成尚不清楚。我们假设技能学习被蛋白质合成抑制(PSI)中断。我们打算测试在技能获取和巩固过程中是否需要在运动皮层或小脑中进行局部蛋白质合成。注射到运动皮层,后顶叶皮层或小脑中的Anisomycin(ANI; 1μlPBS中100μg/μl)产生60分钟PSI的84.0±1.44%(平均值±SEM),85.9±2.31%和87.3±0.17%给药后。在运动皮层中,蛋白质合成在24小时仍会减少(72.0±4.68%PSI),但在第二次注射后48小时(第一次注射后24小时)恢复正常。为了测试PSI对学习熟练的到达任务的影响,每天训练1和2后立即将ANI注射到受过训练的肢体对侧的运动皮层或同侧小脑。两个对照组接受了运动皮层注射的车辆或ANI注射到对侧顶叶皮质。对照和小脑动物显示出乙状结肠学习曲线,在第4天后趋于平稳。运动皮层中的PSI在1-4天期间显着减少了学习。之后,当蛋白质合成正常化时,重新开始学习。 ANI注射入运动皮层不会引起运动障碍,因为在运动平稳期注射的动物不会恶化。这表明运动技能的学习取决于训练后运动皮质中蛋白质的从头合成。



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