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Can crayfish take the heat? Procambarus clarkii show nociceptive behaviour to high temperature stimuli but not low temperature or chemical stimuli




Nociceptors are sensory neurons that are tuned to tissue damage. In many species, nociceptors are often stimulated by noxious extreme temperatures and by chemical agonists that do not damage tissue (e.g., capsaicin and isothiocyanate). We test whether crustaceans have nociceptors by examining nociceptive behaviours and neurophysiological responses to extreme temperatures and potentially nocigenic chemicals. Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) respond quickly and strongly to high temperatures, and neurons in the antenna show increased responses to transient high temperature stimuli. Crayfish showed no difference in behavioural response to low temperature stimuli. Crayfish also showed no significant changes in behaviour when stimulated with capsaicin or isothiocyanate compared to controls, and neurons in the antenna did not change their firing rate following application of capsaicin or isothiocyanate. Noxious high temperatures appear to be a potentially ecologically relevant noxious stimulus for crayfish that can be detected by sensory neurons, which may be specialized nociceptors.
机译:伤害感受器是调节到组织损伤的感觉神经元。在许多物种中,伤害性温度通常是由有害的极端温度和不损害组织的化学激动剂(例如辣椒素和异硫氰酸盐)刺激而产生的。我们通过检查伤害性行为以及对极端温度和潜在伤害性化学物质的神经生理反应,来测试甲壳类是否具有伤害感受器。小龙虾(Procambarus clarkii)对高温反应迅速而强烈,触角中的神经元对瞬态高温刺激的反应增强。小龙虾对低温刺激的行为反应没有差异。与对照组相比,用辣椒素或异硫氰酸盐刺激时,小龙虾的行为也没有显着变化,并且在施用辣椒素或异硫氰酸盐后,触角中的神经元未改变其放电速率。有害的高温似乎是小龙虾潜在的与生态相关的有害刺激物,可以被感觉神经元(可能是专门的伤害感受器)检测到。



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