首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Excitability changes in human peripheral nerve axons in a paradigm mimicking paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation

Excitability changes in human peripheral nerve axons in a paradigm mimicking paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation




A peripheral nerve model was developed to determine whether changes in axonal excitability could affect the findings in studies of cortical processes using paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The recovery of axonal excitability from a conditioning stimulus smaller than the test stimulus was qualitatively similar to that with suprathreshold conditioning stimuli. There was an initial decrease in excitability, equivalent to refractoriness at conditioning-test intervals < 4 ms, an increase in excitability, equivalent to supernormality, at intervals of 5–20 ms and a second phase of decreased excitability, equivalent to late subnormality at intervals > 30 ms. H reflex studies using conditioning stimuli below threshold for the H reflex established that these excitability changes could be faithfully translated across an excitatory synapse. Changing membrane potential by injecting polarising current altered axonal excitability in a predictable way, and produced results similar to those reported for many disease states using paired-pulse TMS. Specifically, axonal hyperpolarisation produced a smaller decrease in excitability followed by a greater increase in excitability. This study supports the view that changes in excitability of the stimulated axons should be considered before synaptic mechanisms are invoked in the interpretation of findings from paired-pulse TMS studies.
机译:建立了外周神经模型,以确定轴突兴奋性的变化是否会影响使用成对脉冲经颅磁刺激(TMS)的皮质过程研究中的发现。从比测试刺激小的条件刺激中恢复轴突兴奋性在质量上类似于在阈上条件刺激中。最初的兴奋性降低,等同于条件测试间隔<4 ms的耐火度,兴奋性的增加,等同于5-20 ms间隔的超常态,第二阶段兴奋性降低,等同于间隔的晚期亚正常性> 30毫秒。使用低于H反射阈值的条件刺激进行H反射研究表明,这些兴奋性变化可以在兴奋性突触中忠实地转化。通过注入极化电流改变膜电位以可预测的方式改变了轴突兴奋性,并产生了与使用成对脉冲TMS报道的许多疾病状态相似的结果。具体而言,轴突超极化产生较小的兴奋性降低,然后较大程度地增加兴奋性。这项研究支持这样一种观点,即在解释成对脉冲TMS研究的结果时,应先考虑突触机制,然后再考虑刺激轴突的兴奋性变化。



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