首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis >Vitamin K-Dependent Coagulation Factors That May be Responsible forBoth Bleeding and Thrombosis (FII FVII and FIX)

Vitamin K-Dependent Coagulation Factors That May be Responsible forBoth Bleeding and Thrombosis (FII FVII and FIX)




Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors are commonly divided into prohemorrhagic (FII, FVII, FIX, and FX) and antithrombotic (protein C and protein S). Furthermore, another protein (protein Z) does not seem strictly correlated with blood clotting. As a consequence of this assumption, vitamin K-dependent defects were considered as hemorrhagic or thrombotic disorders. Recent clinical observations, and especially, recent advances in molecular biology investigations, have demonstrated that this was incorrect. In 2009, it was demonstrated that the mutation Arg338Leu in exon 8 of FIX was associated with the appearance of a thrombophilic state and venous thrombosis. The defect was characterized by a 10-fold increased activity in FIX activity, while FIX antigen was only slightly increased (FIX Padua). On the other hand, it was noted on clinical grounds that the thrombosis, mainly venous, was present in about 2% to 3% of patients with FVII deficiency. It was subsequently demonstrated that 2 mutations in FVII, namely, Arg304Gln and Ala294Val, were particularly affected. Both these mutations are type 2 defects, namely, they show low activity but normal or near-normal FVII antigen. More recently, in 2011-2012, it was noted that prothrombin defects due to mutations of Arg596 to Leu, Gln, or Trp in exon15 cause the appearance of a dysprothrombinemia that shows no bleeding tendencybut instead a prothrombotic state with venous thrombosis. On the contrary, noabnormality of protein C or protein S has been shown to be associated withbleeding rather than with thrombosis. These studies have considerably widenedthe spectrum and significance of blood coagulation studies.
机译:维生素K依赖性凝血因子通常分为前血流性(FII,FVII,FIX和FX)和抗血栓形成性(蛋白C和蛋白S)。此外,另一种蛋白质(蛋白质Z)似乎与血液凝结并不严格相关。由于这一假设,维生素K依赖性缺陷被认为是出血性或血栓性疾病。最近的临床观察,尤其是分子生物学研究的最新进展表明,这是不正确的。 2009年,事实证明,FIX外显子8中的Arg338Leu突变与血栓形成状态和静脉血栓形成有关。该缺陷的特征是FIX活性增加了10倍,而FIX抗原仅略有增加(FIX帕多瓦)。另一方面,从临床上注意到,在FVII缺乏症患者中约有2%至3%存在血栓形成,主要是静脉血栓形成。随后证明FVII中的两个突变,即Arg304Gln和Ala294Val受到特别的影响。这两种突变都是2型缺陷,即它们显示出低活性,但正常或接近正常的FVII抗原。最近,在2011-2012年,人们注意到由于外显子中Arg596突变为Leu,Gln或Trp而引起的凝血酶原缺陷15导致出现凝血酶原异常,没有出血倾向而是处于静脉血栓形成的血栓前状态。相反,没有已证明蛋白C或蛋白S的异常与出血而不是血栓形成。这些研究已大大扩展凝血研究的范围和意义。



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