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Antibodies with ‘Original Antigenic Sin’ Properties Are Valuable Components of Secondary Immune Responses to Influenza Viruses




Human antibodies (Abs) elicited by influenza viruses often bind with a high affinity to past influenza virus strains, but paradoxically, do not bind to the viral strain actually eliciting the response. This phenomena is called ‘original antigenic sin’ (OAS) since this can occur at the expense of generating new de novo Abs. Here, we characterized the specificity and functionality of Abs elicited in mice that were sequentially exposed to two antigenically distinct H1N1 influenza virus strains. Many Abs elicited under these conditions had an OAS phenotype, in that they bound strongly to the viral strain used for the first exposure and very weakly to the viral strain used for the second exposure. We found that OAS and non-OAS Abs target the same general region of the influenza hemagglutinin protein and that B cells expressing these two types of Abs can be clonally-related. Surprisingly, although OAS Abs bound with very low affinities, some were able to effectively protect against an antigenically drifted viral strain following passive transfer in vivo. Taken together, our data indicate that OAS Abs share some level of cross-reactivity between priming and recall viral strains and that B cells producing these Abs can be protective when recalled into secondary immune responses.
机译:流感病毒引起的人抗体(Abs)通常以高亲和力与过去的流感病毒株结合,但自相矛盾的是,它们并未与实际上引起该反应的病毒株结合。这种现象被称为“原始抗原性罪”(OAS),因为这种现象会以产生新的新生抗体为代价而发生。在这里,我们表征了依次暴露于两种抗原性不同的H1N1流感病毒株的小鼠中引起的Abs的特异性和功能性。在这些条件下引发的许多抗体具有OAS表型,因为它们与第一次暴露所用的病毒株牢固结合,而与第二次暴露所用的病毒株牢固结合。我们发现OAS和非OAS Abs靶向流感血凝素蛋白的相同一般区域,并且表达这两种Abs的B细胞可能是克隆相关的。出人意料的是,尽管OAS Abs具有非常低的亲和力,但在体内被动转移后,某些抗体能够有效地防御抗原性漂移的病毒株。两者合计,我们的数据表明,OAS抗体在引发和召回病毒株之间共享一定水平的交叉反应性,而产生这些抗体的B细胞在召回二次免疫反应时可以起到保护作用。



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